Job levels/titles at snap

I see job listings for snap with titles like "staff" and "principal" engineer. The levels on are numeric like L5/L6 etc. Whats the mapping between their titles and levels? #swe #snap #snapchat - Compare career levels across companies - Compare career levels across companies
Snap Wlej45 Apr 21

L5 and below don’t have titles. L6 is staff, l7 principal

Snap 7gQ2c7uGd Apr 21

L6 is staff, L7 is principal, then sr. Principal and distinguished

Snap FeelnSoMid Apr 22

Also there are only a handful of senior principles (L8), and afaik only one distinguished (L9) engineer

Riot Games quaesitor Apr 21

What is the role of a Distinguished at Snap or other places?

Google alpaca 🦙 Apr 21

You are willing to bend knees in front of Evan

Riot Games quaesitor Apr 21

I’m trying to get a serious response 😆