Tech IndustryAug 10, 2020
GSK minus_two

Confused. Amazon vs AstraZeneca

Recently I started working as a Cloud Support Associate(CSA) at Amazon. Initially my plan was to apply to SDE jobs internally in Amazon and switch before first performance review (6-8 months from start date). I am not sure how easy it is to switch from CSA to SDE internally. Any opinions and experiences are appreciated. Recently, I got an offer from AstraZeneca for an Associate Software Engineer role. The team is responsible for developing software solutions for scientists and support r&d with software. This job has an opportunity of providing me with experiences like developing software solution, getting data from hardware and supporting it software and AR/VR solutions and I would be getting an opportunity to work in various small-term projects. I would be learning a bit of science here in the process which I am okay with but I am not looking to stay long-term in the pharma industry. I am fresh out of the college and have been hunting for a Software engineering job. I accepted the CSA job at Amazon because of pandemic and wanted to be safe being an international student. I have close to 1.5 years of experience mostly interning as SDE in various companies. I am on F1-Visa and both the companies are willing to sponsor H-1B. What should be the choice? I have already started working at Amazon. Will it burn bridges if I leave the company in a month? Will it affect my future prospects of applying at Amazon in future if I leave the company in a month now? Any opinions and suggestions would be appreciated. #engineering #software #amazon #pharma #astrazeneca #ecommerce

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Amazon RmOi55 Aug 10, 2020

Saw a support guy move to SDE-1 recently. It was almost a full loop - 2 coding rounds plus a bar raiser, but definitely achievable if you're in the interview mindset. Amazon will look better on your resume, so at least try moving internally before accepting an external offer.

GSK minus_two OP Aug 10, 2020

This process looks similar to someone applying externally. Does internal switching have any benefits?

Amazon RmOi55 Aug 10, 2020

@minus_two benefits of internal switching - you can have informationals with managers, see the team's tech survey score, see the team's composition and tenure, see if there are enough senior engineers in the team etc. and make an informed decision while picking a team. Less of a gamble.