Multiple offers

I got an offer from A company, but now I am interviewing for Google. Shall i make an excuse to A comp, so I can wait for Google? And is it ok to tell Google to fasten the process because A is watiting?

SurveyMonkey hchevcd Jan 5, 2022

I’d ask for as much time as their willing to give you to consider the offer at A company and be honest that you have another offer. I don’t see Google speeding up their process for a non-tech role but it doesn’t hurt to let them know you’ve had another offer and see if you can prioritize scheduling your interviews over other candidates. If A company doesn’t want to wait you could also just accept their offer and keep going through the Google process. It may feel shitty to renege on an accepted offer to join Google, but it’s a job seekers market right now and it is what is. Prioritize what you think is the best opportunity for you and figure the rest out later.