FitnessJan 1, 2019

Keto diet anyone? And Intermittent Fasting?

I try intermittent fasting (IF) and try to reduce carbs. Reduced to two meals thanks to holidays at home but i got headaches. Maybe I will get used to it? Workdays I'll go with 3 meals but eat early dinner. Please share your keto routine and how to keepup with it. Do you think keto and IF works and is good against cancer, diabetes, etc? Happy new year! 🗺☃️❄🌈

monomo Jan 1, 2019

Keto works, but it is too crazy for me. Your body needs glucose. Cut carbs but only quick carbs. Slow carbs like oats(rolled), old grains are a wonder

Gartner misohorny Jan 1, 2019

It’s a myth, humans can function on ketones too

Databricks Ekxnax Jan 1, 2019

I started Keto in December of last year (hehe). It's working well for my weight loss goal. Not for everyone due to prejudices against "fats." The science behind Keto seems fairly well supported, but I haven't dug into it deeply yet. It was originally created to help epileptics, but now has many supporters for various reasons and some detractors. I've heard claims about reducing cancer risk, heart disease, etc, but can't vouch for their veracity myself.

Square SQ Jan 1, 2019

Disagree about the science behind it being well supported. Most dieticians and nutritionists actually are against the keto diet. It's just a short cut to lose weight that no long term effects has been really studied on it. Losing weight != actual healthiness.

Intel ""(^_^)"" OP Jan 1, 2019

Articles say IF and Keto reduces risk of type 2 diabetes and insulin resistance which is first symptom leading to diabetes later on.

Intel ""(^_^)"" OP Jan 1, 2019

I have found this article on benefits of IF:

Amazon Jaiuansnja Jan 1, 2019

I tried low carb two years back and I was able to lose around 15 kg within 2 months. In fact I lost 10 kg in the first two weeks. It stays below 70kg for a year. During the time I have always been craving for carb food and later became less disciplined. Now I am back to my 88kg.

Intel ""(^_^)"" OP Jan 1, 2019

Good job! I am trying to get my BMI back to normal. But our sedentary work style makes things more difficult.

Gartner misohorny Jan 1, 2019

Don’t eat

Amazon sgloqy Jan 1, 2019

We have been on a variation of Keto for my kid for epilepsy control ( and it worked when medicines failed) . However due to the unbalanced nature of diet she takes supplements regularly and gets periodic bloodwork. So please make sure that you do your research on nutritional balance if you are doing it for Weight loss. Good luck! PS: While doing research, I certainly read about it working for diabetics (with proper supervision) and in one case even for cancer treatment.

Apple OxKing Jan 1, 2019

Low carb diets only work long term when you make it part of a permanent lifestyle. Typically when people refer to their food intake as a “diet” they don’t keep up with it because it is too restrictive. Also I think word ‘diet’ has a negative mental affect on some people. 😀 The human body does not need carbs but you need to make sure your food intake is satisfying and something that you can easily keep up with long term.

Lockheed Martin iEkO37 Jan 1, 2019

Do you get all your nutrition advice from Instagram bloggers?

Apple OxKing Jan 1, 2019

Who me? I don’t use social media. I have been in bodybuilding and sports for the last 20 years since early teens. I have implemented diet strategies on my self and trained with plenty of people who were involved in sports, military, and the fitness industry. I speak from experience and not just from what I read.

Netflix tnCP40 Jan 1, 2019

My biggest ‘diet’ learning is that one size doesn’t fit all. This should be unsurprising given our genetic variety. Just consider how people can have different allergies. But is something that is rarely covered/considered by folks who get super passionate about their diet and insist it works for you. My recommendation would therefore be to try out a few different ones and see which one your body best responds to. For example, while I believe in the science of Keto when I went on a strict Keto diet for a month I just couldn’t get it to work for me as I was constantly dizzy.

Uber gsfhdvv Jan 1, 2019

Tried keto ,achieved my weight goals but my cholesterol shot up. The first week was horrible, headache means it's working . Get the ketone testing strips to make sure you are in ketosis

Intel ""(^_^)"" OP Jan 1, 2019

Ohh. I see. Too much protein kicks cholesterol i guess . Maybe avoid fried food. Thanks for sharing.

Microsoft qxnjsyg Jan 1, 2019

Total cholesterol going up isn't a thing to be concerned about. You need the particle counts to get a real picture. On keto your triglycerides (the insanely bad for your body stuff) will go dramatically down (try for 50s), your HDL should go up (your goal is over 60), and the very small LDL would be minimized and be overshadowed by large, fluffy LDL. Trig and small ldl is what causes problems and inflammation. Look at your ratios of those values and forget the rest. Your body will actually create the cholesterol you don't consume so don't be silly and lower your intake thinking you are doing yourself any good. Focus on trig/hdl radio and number of small ldl particles. A lower ratio usually indicates less small ldl particles. You definitely want a low ratio, it's very predictive of good arterial health. Keto will help to improve these numbers for sure.

behooman Jan 1, 2019

I weighed around 220lbs at my worst. I did IF and kept eating regular food sans junk food, in the 8 hour time window for about 7 months I lost 40lbs. Then my appetite sugar subsided. I would try to do IF before heading into keto territory. keto needs to be done right and is tougher than an 8 hour time window

Intel ""(^_^)"" OP Jan 1, 2019

I see. Yeah i started IF over the holidays. I cheat on carbs a little.

behooman Jan 1, 2019

Yeah just master this first and then when you see results you will be more motivated to do keto. Since at that point you took control over when you eat. Then you can take control over how you eat.

Amazon Froogle Jan 1, 2019

In my opinion, meal timing (like IF) matters very little compared to the actual daily intake of calories/macros. Keto is one of the healthiest and fastest ways to lose weight, since it causes your primary energy source to be taken directly from your body fat. I like start and end most of my days with a protein shake mixed with a fiber supplement (fiber is like a cheat code for making any low-calorie diet work). For lunch, I usually do a high fat, moderate protein salad- still low calorie since I’m usually still satiated from my morning shake at this point. Dinner is the meal that I tend to change up the most, simply for the sake of not getting sick of the diet and falling off. If you love carbs but still want to be in Keto, I would highly recommend looking into zero/low-carb replacements for foods that are normally considered “carby”. Check out Skinny Pasta konjac noodles- they are zero net carbs, all fiber and you would hardly even notice the difference between regular noodles. I also love Carbquik as a baking mix replacement- tons of possibilities when cooking with that. KNOW Better Foods also has some great stuff too, if you like a treat, they are a bit on the pricier side, but it’s worth it to keep your body consistently in Keto. Good luck to ya!

Intel ""(^_^)"" OP Jan 1, 2019

Thank you. I heard of konjac noodles this morning reading on keto foods. Glad to hear it from you as well.