
If this helps at least one person...

You feel uncomfortable with yourself. Insecure. Limited. At verge of collapse. Seeking respite in TC and relationships, like almost every other human. Why? Why is there so much uncomfortableness with self? And despite all this, people give you the same bullshit advice "find a hobby", "make friends", "go to the gym". Just more distractions to treat the symptoms, because as soon as those supports fall away, you're back at square 0. Is it not your birthright to be happy? Why not tackle this issue once and for all? Straight at the root! Here is a radical idea: are you capable of accepting life the way it is? Society says that you need outcome to be happy. Has that worked? You went to college, got your job, and now life should be awesome right? Wrong! You will say, oh no it's because I'm not in FAANG yet, or I'm still a virgin I'll be happy once I get laid, or I hate my spouse, or I hate my job, or my parents didn't love me as a child. "Once my circumstances change, I'll be happy." Don't you see how fragile of a position that is? It is only your resistance to the current circumstances that causes suffering. You may say you have every right to resist, because you want life to look a certain way. You are attached to this dream world. So how dare I ask you to let go? Will you believe me if I tell you that happiness/peace of mind is available regardless of circumstance? Don't believe me! Take it as a possibility and explore it fully, you may be shocked at what you find. If you or anyone would like to continue this discussion, feel free to DM me. Edit: to everyone who DMed, I will respond in the evening when I'm off work, don't worry haven't forgotten you

Amazon 🦉🏙️music Jan 6, 2022

Very true OP 👏

Tesco SuprPsycho Jan 6, 2022

Powerful stuff. I mean that weed you are smoking

Zoom speel Jan 7, 2022

could also be shrooms, in either case it makes me want to hop on the dark net

Auth0 TnUw16 Jan 6, 2022

We don’t deserve you

KLA-Tencor “”;..;”” Jan 6, 2022

+1 Only you are responsible for your own happiness.

Amazon strangur OP Jan 6, 2022

Quite the opposite actually. You didn't choose your parents, gender, race, schooling, language, IQ, height, etc. There's a million factors why you're in the position you are today. People feel guilty because they think they are responsible. They feel ashamed. They feel they didn't try hard enough, if only they had done something else. I'm suggesting that so much of life is out of our control, yet we are desperate to control it, because we think that once circumstance is ideal, we'll be happy. Would you blame a tree for not growing if it never got sunlight? Then how can you blame the human for not doing better, when they are the product of their environment?

VMware OWpk74 Jan 7, 2022

Dude op not sure what you smoking but you speaking some real stuff here. I like it

Roblox LoongView Jan 6, 2022

Here you are addressing people who are depressed etc and your advice is for them to become fkng buddha. Amazing.

Tesco SuprPsycho Jan 6, 2022

Op clearly says getting laid won't help. So op's not asking them to be fkng buddha. Op's asking them to be a celibate buddha.

Amazon strangur OP Jan 6, 2022

That is not my advice. That might be what you have taken away from the post, but I am not telling you to do anything. In fact, doing is the problem itself. Wanting to do something to fix life. I am simply asking people to inquire into the nature of happiness, and the nature of your existence. And I am happy to provide practical pointers, but people get triggered easily and argue against anything that suits their narrative, so I'd rather do it in private over dm

Intel cturtle Jan 6, 2022

happiness has got to do with nothing.

Amazon strangur OP Jan 6, 2022


Microsoft tKPy22 Jan 6, 2022

Read Lifeonnier

Yelp mjgdtfc Jan 6, 2022

Dealers number?

Spotify Kimoa14 Jan 6, 2022

@Quora: The next writer to keep your company and traffic afloat is here.

chiefkeefe Jan 7, 2022