Urgent SWE Summer Internship 2024 help needed.

Hey everyone, I'm an international student looking for SUMMER INTERNSHIP 2024. I am finishing my Master's in Computer Science. I have 2 years of experience and have a strong background in cloud technologies (AWS) and full-stack development (Java, React, Python). Pay and location is not an issues since i am looking for some opportunity, to sustain through the summer and continue paying my bills Trying my last attempt here on Blind before giving up my unsuccessful internship hunt. Any help is appreciated (motivation, resume review, what to work ... anything) Thanks to whoever can help! #meta, #google, #microsoft, #bloomberg, #uber, #adobe, #oracle, #goldmansachs, #bytedance, #tiktok, #linkedin, #ebay, #jpmorgan, #vmware, #citadel, #capitalone, #paypal , #airbnb, #lyft, #atlassian, #twitter, #yandex, #salesforce, #roblox, #expedia, #doordash, #qualtrics, #quora, #dropbox, #wish, #nutanix, #visa, #databricks, #citrix, #zillow, #twilio, #serviceNow, #intuit, #indeed, #tesla, #pinterest, #square, #splunk, #twosigma, #wayfair, #spotify, #akunacapital, #tencent, #flipkart, #palantir, #morganstanley, #robinhood, #audible, #alibaba #houzz, #tripadvisor, #twitch, #codenation, #affirm, #didi, #grab, #tableau, #cruiseautomation, #sumologic, #coupang, #quip, #box, #zulily, #cohesity, #postmates, #docusign, #paytm, #pocketgems, #hulu, #netflix, #coursera, #rubrik, #reddit, #factset, #groupon, #cloudera, #deshaw, #appdynamics, #aristanetworks, #triplebyte, #blackrock, #accolite, #zoho, #redfin, #amex, #evernote, #baidu, #booking, #liveramp, #virtufinancial, #garena, #ponyai, #barclays, #duolingo, #drawbridge, #epic, #toptal, #dunzo, #riotgames, #alation, #janestreet, #poshmark, #akamai, #sapient, #zappos, #hotstar, #opendoor, #blizzard, #datadog, #hrt, #ynga, #mastercard, #jumptrading, #dataminr #cameo #bumble #tinder #intel #amd #startup #rivian #optimizely #tech #swe #product #intern #engineering #software #hedgefund #machinelearning #datascience #softwareengineering #computerengineering #hiring #referral #jobs #tech #internships #referrals #f1 #student #help #please #referral #Qualcomm #patreonengineering #software #swe

Tesla tsla->moon Apr 10

Tough luck, sport, it's a dead market for internships now. You tagged all the top companies, but you're not gonna get a 2024 summer internship at any of them at this point, unless you know people (in which case you wouldn't be posting here and tagging all the companies). Go visit your local startups' offices, offer to work for minimum wage, and *maybe* they'll take pity on you and give you a job so you don't get deported.

Cerner Pootis OP Apr 10

Not in the best of the cities for trying the local startup offices method (most here are industrial/civil).. But thanks for the tip. Just hoping for any last minute miracles :/

ByteDance qzsc444 Apr 10

DM me for ByteDance and TikTok

ServiceNow immi_10 Apr 12

DM for ServiceNow