Kudos to the fired googlers

Was not ideal organization choices made? Yeah. Def not a perfect protest. But they had huge balls to stand up for what a lot of eng in google cloud talk about in private conversations. There were “peaceful” nimbus protests earlier and they didn’t do much… so I guess this group was desperate for getting more attention and kudos to them there is attention now. Google AI ethics commitments are bullshit and anyone who believes the company is committed to it is crazy. G is banking on military money to make GCloud pull in dough. We do sell cloud to military is a 100% fact. We don’t have visibility/ controls on what they do with it and there’s no way militaries are paying Billions to host their workday applications. Also with GDC airgapped we are handing militaries cloud without any way for google to access/ monitor it.

Amazon gt3_80 Apr 18

Glad they got the axe. Have to set an example.

Google dkendnn Apr 18

any protest activity at Amazon? They’re in nimbus too.

Comcast xxxfinity Apr 18

Big G is really leaning into it since they got rid of the “don’t be evil” motto huh

Meta m2ftw Apr 18

Excited for them to have been axed! Will even apply to Google for that! :)

NUVIA Afjr18 Apr 18

While I don’t agree with them, and there masks are useless talismans, they did suffer for what they believed in and were mostly non-violent (trespassing is not purely non-violent), so I’ll give them some grace.

NUVIA Afjr18 Apr 18

“Their masks”. Oops.

DoorDash OKWD31 Apr 18

My respect for Google went up a notch. Nonsense should have a limit !

AppDynamics FVMK77 Apr 18

I respect it. Google does have the right to fire them, but I'm sure they were expecting it. The fact that so many blind threads are being made about this means that an impact was made.

ex-Walmart 🔸 Trump Apr 18

It’s funny because this project will provide negligible income to Google, less than 1% of their gross revenue. Meanwhile these same woke protestors want their colleagues to pay 39.7% tax rate where almost half goes to militarily expenditure in Israel.

Robinhood 2GoldChain Apr 18


Erqh43 Apr 18

They are heroes and make me hopeful. There’s an excellent interview on democracy now of a few of them. PR disaster for Google and rightly so. Fuck Google. https://www.democracynow.org/2024/4/17/no_tech_for_apartheid_google_israel

Google proudclown Apr 18

🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️🇵🇸 trans support Palestine 🇵🇸 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈 peace on earth 🌍

NVIDIA truth_ Apr 18

Trans should try supporting Palestine from Palestine or any other Arab nation for that matter. 🍿

Meta cKyK18 Apr 18

They should not do it from Israel. Here is a picture of the Israeli minister of National Security attacking and kicking a transgender who was trying to advocate for their rights. Israelis voted for these lunatics and gave them majority of votes. They also crushed the skulls of 15,000 babies and kids. How the F was this guy put in power by the majority of Israelis