Wasted My Life

I hate every god damn day I go to work. Boring af work, so many meetings, and for what, management who hates all of us. What a giant waste of my 20s, I'll never get them back. All sucked up by the corporate machine. What's the point of any of this? Making money to pay for a bunch of garbage that we don't need. Please fucking lay me off. TC 300k and crippling depression

Ellie Mae cool901 Mar 4, 2023


Google loserrr OP Mar 4, 2023

15 years wasted

Meta Lol Cat 😹 Mar 4, 2023

OP I was in the military for a better part of a decade. No matter how you spend your time, you still have to spend it. If you’re hoping for some luminous sunrise where you feel like you’ve “arrived” it’s not coming. Or at at least it’s not something that happens TO you. You’ve gotta choose what you get out of bed for. I’m 33 and my net worth is about 100K. Between military and grad school, I didn’t save much. To be totally honest, we didn’t really do anything noteworthy in the military. Was a lot of exercises with foreign navies to show solidarity and pro-democratic spirit. Made some good friends and saw some cool places. I made the decision that this enough for me. Only you can choose to be happy with your lot in life!

Twitter LeekyTwit Mar 4, 2023

At least you have money.

Databricks data🍆s Mar 4, 2023

Buy some h00kerz

Twilio BhonsdeKa Mar 4, 2023

Rent not buy ?

Flagged by the community.
ExxonMobil PYaP85 Mar 4, 2023

Yes. Welcome to Blind. Everybody here is lost and coping. From 🥜 to 💰💰💰. Anyways, TC?

Snap dissident Mar 4, 2023

What would you rather be doing?

Dropbox pygo Mar 4, 2023

Was going to ask the same question. How can OP not “waste” his/her time when contributing to a company’s success and society in general is a big “waste” of time?

Square VQPo43 Mar 4, 2023

You can make your whole identity your work, but only for a few years. Your work will betray you, very quickly. You need something outside of work. Your work is just a means to maintain the parts of your life that matter to you and enjoy. Also, if you feel like that, take a vacation and start interviewing.

Google loserrr OP Mar 4, 2023

Any job is a waste of life

Salesforce mfSpo3m Mar 4, 2023

Unless you’re the founder

monokenna Mar 4, 2023

your TC is so tiny that why you are depressed

Yahoo LcMeriJaan Mar 4, 2023

Do you earn in millions?

Twilio BhonsdeKa Mar 4, 2023

His pp tiny

Uber Wing— Mar 4, 2023

You have the luxury to buy garbage? Even with 500k TC I felt that’s not enough for a decent house in Bay Area.

Yahoo LcMeriJaan Mar 4, 2023

Your definition of decent is corrupted.

Google loserrr OP Mar 4, 2023

Nobody needs a house in hcol

Dell hJth35 Mar 4, 2023

Wtf?? Become a nurse.. you’ll see gun shot victims and babies being born

Twilio BhonsdeKa Mar 4, 2023

Wtf become a toilet cleaner you will see pukes and feces everyday

Sana Biotechnology wYSx00 Mar 4, 2023

Quit your job and get the triple crown (PCT, CDT, and AT). Then re-evaluate. Bunch of whiny babies in here sheesh.

Google loserrr OP Mar 4, 2023

What are those things?

Sana Biotechnology wYSx00 Mar 4, 2023

Ask Bing or ChatGPT