
> 10% NW in crypto

Is > 10% NW in crypto too much? I used to keep around 5%, but haven't rebalanced and it has outperformed my other holdings which is great 😌 BTC/ETH/LTC in ratio 0.45:0.45:0.1, about 225k in total. NW is about 2M. EDIT: Also what's the best/safest solution for storing coins? I'm currently using paper wallets and in coinbase (I know if you don't own the keys you don't own the coins), thinking of getting a trezor one.

Capital One 🍊🧃Simpson Feb 6, 2021

It’s up to you on risk tolerance. I recommend getting your own wallet.

Databricks zPQb56 Feb 6, 2021

Get a hardware wallet for a peace of mind. If your risk tolerance is high I’d get a bit higher than 10%, seems like crypto and decentralization is about to stay. Source: 70% NW in crypto 🚀🚀🚀

Apple beervirus OP Feb 6, 2021

Thanks, any recommendations for wallet? I'm thinking of trezor one since it's open source hardware with off the shelf parts and I can put one together if the manufacturer were to vanish. How have you split between BTC, ETH and alts? Also what alts do you recommend?

Databricks zPQb56 Feb 6, 2021

Trezor is fine, I bought 2 to keep one as a recovery, it’s cheap. I don’t follow crypto passionately hence exposed my portfolio to BTC (storage value), ETH (real life use cases), DeFi (decentralized finance cuz traditional banks are going to die sooner or later) and Monero (degenerates will always need a private & secure payment method) Roughly 40% btc, 30% ETH and the rest mixed up.

Amazon eos$block Feb 6, 2021

Consider your age, if it’s < 45, then I think it doesn’t matter. But once you grow old, you may want to move some portion to ETFs. At one point, crypto used to be a tiny portion of my NW. But after the recent surge, my 60-70% NW is coming from crypto.

Apple beervirus OP Feb 6, 2021

yeah, I'm 30, so not too worried. Although was wondering if I should cash out some or let everything ride.

Google foony Feb 6, 2021

The numbers you posted wouldn’t bother me. Even if it got wiped you’d be pretty well off.

Uber xmHm08 Feb 6, 2021

It is fine, ~10% is what most people I know do with a 7 figure or higher portfolio.

Microsoft MSFTBRО Feb 6, 2021

Be like that pompliano guy and put 100% in bitcoin

Atlassian es94927 Feb 6, 2021

Drop the ltc and put it in defi. Might as well put 10% in a something with major upside

Apple beervirus OP Feb 6, 2021

Any recommendations?

Atlassian es94927 Feb 6, 2021

Depends on how high risk you want to go. Bigger defi coins are $aave $uni $sushi $snx $link Smaller one that are much higher risk that I’m in $alpha $badger $rook $rune. But if you’re gonna have 90% in btc and eth I rather just yolo the last 10% that into something else. Just my preference. I’m pretty high risk though

QR · Feb 6, 2021

10% is fine I know many people with 20, 30, 50% in crypto. Mostly rich as fuck now but yeah

Intel whenmoon Feb 6, 2021

Trezor is good. Coldcard is the best but only for bitcoin.

GoDaddy owouwu Feb 8, 2021

90%. Rich or rekt only 🚀🚀🚀