Internship offers eval

I want to become a product manager eventually Can’t stay at my company next summer cause they don’t sponsor international students, if I take the startup offer they can’t sponsor me after college, so it is risky, the other corporation can sponsor me if I got a full time offer, but I feel working in a startup might give me much more experience. Especially that the startup just raised $7 million. (I put the yearly equivalent of the hourly salary)

29 Participants
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TC: $54K
Product Manager
Saint Paul, MN, US • Intern
TC: $30K
Software Engineer
Saint Paul, MN, US • Intern
TC: $54K
Noom rw4sd Nov 3, 2023

This is tricky. I think early in your career gaining some technical skills can be very powerful and open lots of different doors for you. If you go non-technical immediately it’s hard to become technical again in the future. It really depends on the startup and how much you believe in them/their leaders/their product, but I’d be inclined to do the software engineer role to get some more technical skills and then try to transition into product a bit later. Feel free to DM me if you want to chat more (I’m a product manager that has some technical experience).

gitclone Nov 3, 2023

Go be a software engineer my friend 🤝

tBvD07 Nov 4, 2023

I'd say tech startup because you'll learn a shit ton and be hands on a lot of things. If you want a *safer* route, do soft eng, but it's harder to transition afterwards because you won't be doing product related things.