Every second friday in a month is a company holiday!

Hi, just wanted to let you know that my employer has set up an awesome new rule more than one year ago, and they just sent around the outlook invitation for the next year, so I guess this means that I'll have twelve more free Fridays in 2023! Soo, at first it was just to try it out, and then every quarter was looking awesome, so they kept it up: Every second Friday in a month (not every second Friday in total, not 25 free days in a year, it's "just" 12, right?) is a free company holiday, nobody (few exceptions) works. Of course, the support department has to be available for our customers (unless this thing becomes a global trend, I guess :D ) and sometimes a sales rep needs to schedule a meeting for a Friday because it does not work any other way for the customer, or you attend a conference or trade show or something like that and also some internal IT guys are on-call to be able to support anyone who *has* to work. But other than that, nobody works. We are asked and encouraged to not write any email that day or even read email that day. Everyone who has to work for whatever reason is encouraged to recoup the day right in the following week. We've been asked to not play with this, to not try to trick around and try to collect those 12 days in any way or shove them around for our personal benefit: It only works if the entire company does not work that day; if you were to just gift 12 more vacation days to everyone to take at free will, you'd basically be mutilating entire departments. What do you think about it? #engineering #software #pki #InfoSec #swe #wearehiring #keyfactor

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Komodo Health 🍌 Hammock Nov 28, 2022

Your company hiring?

Keyfactor ieXw82 OP Nov 28, 2022

yes, the web page currently lists 21 roles across all departments and all locations, US and Europe and plenty remote as well.

North American Bancard vXQe07 Nov 28, 2022

Good for you and your company. Hope companies realize that humans have a list and slowing down for breaks is healthy and a great way to recharge and speed up.

Adobe ykn0t Nov 28, 2022

Fantastic. Enjoy it. Adobe added “Global Days Off” during the pandemic and it’s been wonderful. It started off as an extra day every 3 weeks or so and it’s continued so it falls on a Friday every month we don’t already have a national US holiday. It has been really nice in addition to our 2 weeks of shut down. It’s really nice to be off and not have to deal with a pile of email and catch up.

Affirm glfins Nov 28, 2022

Affirm tried something like this and is now calling them no meeting days instead.

jjppjjaa Nov 28, 2022

Keyfactor is crypto? 🤔