Newlet tc = 🥜

Learn SQL or MongoDb

Hey folks, Junior JS dev here. Have become proficient in: - Node.js - Express.js - React.js I am deciding wether I should spend my time learning SQL or MongoDb. I’m aware that MERN stack includes MongoDb but as a junior developer I am wondering if SQL will make me more marketable than MongoDb as it is more popular. Any input? YOE: 1 TC: $70K

49 Participants
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Yelp yep it me2 May 12, 2022

do you have any DB experience?

let tc = 🥜 OP May 12, 2022

Not any worth bragging about :/ I built a caching system that sends app responses via API to AirTable but that’s as far as it goes

Yelp yep it me2 May 12, 2022

what does “backend” mean at your company i question if it’s true backend or if it’s more frontend/middle-tier stuff

FanDuel desicultu May 12, 2022

Ive used both at work and i wasnt a big fan of mongodb. It was set up in a SQL like anyways so it was slow having to do lookups. They also use document storage and idk felt weird having a db full of jsons. Despite that, it works and can get the job done. But most companies will use SQL and thats basically about it

Zoom bhsl1 May 12, 2022

Sql is an absolute must know. Learn mongodb if you wish but it's not a requirement.

Google QHhu70 May 12, 2022

Mongo doesn't have that much to learn as long as you know what a document db is. You'll forget details unless you're actively working on it anyways. SQL like learning the language of databases, and it'll actually help you think about things in a new way.