Leave apple for cs masters degree?

Hi all! Been working at apple for around 3 years. Team is very nice and WLB is decent, but the role itself is somewhat soul crushing (a lot of shallow work, focus on fast delivery without much quality, etc...) Having some thoughts about starting a full time CS Masters degree (at a good university) Do you think this is a reasonable decision (I'm 30, single)? My dream is hopefully to get to get to upper management. Pros I see for masters: What attracts me in academia was the ability to manage your time and deeply focus on subjects, so I understand them very well (and therefore have the potential to produce quality output) Cons I see for masters: 1. Losing about 140k yearly for vesting RSUs, personal savings and retirement savings. 2. Deeply focusing every day all day sounds like a recipe for being socially ackward (that's what happened to me when doing CS Bs), which I can't afford as a 30 yo (male) single TC: ~200K

Datadog zzyzx123 Jan 20

If you want to go into management would an MBA make more sense? (I'm actually not sure myself just trying to see what people think)

Qualcomm HdEO38 OP Jan 23

Thanks! Actually started considering it seriously. Although I heard some say that it somewhat erodes your technical value. Wondering if it has any truth

Dropbox pygo Jan 20

Do part time masters online instead?

Qualcomm HdEO38 OP Jan 20

Thanks! My fear is that doing it part time will make me a bad employee and a bad student (due to the lack of time)

Dropbox pygo Jan 20

It will be tough, but the amount of money you can save is huge. I guess it’s how hard/easy you want it to be.

Cognizant dcgh26 Jan 20

You should spell apple correctly

Qualcomm HdEO38 OP Jan 20

My bad, thanks! Corrected 😀

Amazon Shitzon Jan 20

Masters is not a ladder to the management! Continue with apple and do part time masters. Find a mentor that can help you with growth.

Apple gSVlKris Jan 20

Not worth doing masters.

Oscar yune Jan 20

Leaving a well paying job at a reputable company that's known for being exclusive during a tech resession is not a good idea. Just do Georgia tech OMSCS

rogerducky Jan 20

A master’s degree is equivalent to 2-3 years of experience if you’re a new grad. So, your work experience already matches the amount of extra money the degree would’ve given you. If you’re learning new things via the degree, then great. That’d be of some benefit. It’s not gonna give you an income bump by itself otherwise. Incidentally, industry “best practices” won’t be taught at school. So you’d have to learn those yourself. (Source control. Test driven development. Test automation. Build pipelines)

Qualcomm HdEO38 OP Jan 20

Thanks! I may be overrating masters- but what seems really cool to me is you get to be guided by very passionate and accomplished people who got to the top of their fields Been in industry for 6 years so very familiar with the best practices you mentioned

eBay rMOV12 Jan 20

Read book and learn on the job >>>> anything

PwC NrYf20 Jan 20

MSc doesn’t make any sense. MBA is for you.

Apple applepoop Jan 20

leave apple for flipping burger

Qualcomm HdEO38 OP Jan 20

Haha saving that for midlife crisis :)