Tech IndustryJan 10, 2020

LeetCode alternatives

Hi guys, I am preparing for interviews and wanted to know what are the alternatives to LeetCode. Mostly interested in Javascript Full Stack. TC: 200K, 6 years experience. #leetcode #interview

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Google Tier 3 Jan 10, 2020


agmizu Jan 10, 2020


PayPal RVKg85 OP Jan 10, 2020

Lol . Rejection from FAANG for sure. These companies are not near my location. In my experience, smaller companies ask questions related to your work and the tech you use. Example: React guys get asked React question. I am trying to find something like that.

Ironclad ⌐(ಠ۾ಠ)¬ Jan 10, 2020

try the tech lead's online course to donate some cash to Patrick. The poor dude is only a millionaire. Still has a long way to go to reach a billion. Help him out. Just in case, if you think I'm serious, you deserve a rejection.

PayPal RVKg85 OP Jan 10, 2020

Is the website Looks like they are making more than faang.

Ironclad ⌐(ಠ۾ಠ)¬ Jan 10, 2020

If you have to ask and look up the URL, you are not a FAANG material

Davey qXcz3askb Jan 10, 2020

Pretty good TC especially if you are not near a FAANG location..

Google lc4life Jan 10, 2020

There is no alternative. Only leetcode

PayPal RVKg85 OP Jan 10, 2020

I beg to differ . There is nobody in my team, including me, who has the ability to ask leetcode questions and understand O(n) complexity. We are all just average folks. And We are hiring BTW.

AWIP yuanaii Jan 10, 2020

@paypal could I DM you if PayPal is hiring?

Indeed rainwater Jan 11, 2020

are you looking for alternatives to the leetcode site? Or other areas to prepare in i.e. Javascript knowledge, front-end knowledge, etc. alternatives to leetcode site: hackerrank, csacademy, topcoder, sphere oj, firecode