Leetcode with Python or Swift

I majored in Data Science, so I was used to solve leetcode problems in Python. But for now, I am working as an iOS side, I am wondering if I should solve leetcode problems in Swift for an interview on data structures and algorithm stuff. #LeetCode #Python #Swift

Mediacom Communications HooliPiper Apr 16

Up to you. If you’re interviewing for an iOS role I don’t see any problem using swift

Apple fhccbffdf Apr 16

Pick the language you are the best at

Zillow Group JDFj25 Apr 16

It’s all curly braces and semicolons. Well, Swift got rid of the semicolons, but essentially computer languages are very similar when it comes to Leetcode. It’s knowing the algorithms. Practice in the language used for the job you want. If that’s iOS, cool, use Swift. I doubt anyone would accept python for a Swift engineering position.