DiversityFeb 20, 2018

Let’s talk culture. Name one positive and one negative about a culture (ethnicity or nationality). It’s ok if it’s both

I’ll start. American culture: Positive - competitive as fuck, leading us to innovate and maintain our position as a world leader (note: I said “a” world leader, not “the” world leader) Negative - competitive as fuck, leading to vast disparities amongst our own people, wastefulness, and a host of other things. However, the ability to steer and motivate people with that competitiveness, through cooperation or individual means, can steer things back into the positive.

Facebook Wyo Feb 20, 2018

American Culture: Positive- we are at the center of universe. No one should ever touch us, but we can do whatever with the rest of the world! Negative- what?! If you have any problem with American culture, go back to where you came from!

No 👎 Feb 20, 2018

Lol China is now the center of he universe wake up

Amazon KilXino Feb 20, 2018

Egyptian culture: Positive - collaborative as fuck, every one wants to help you, you're not alone, you won't see many homeless people in Egypt, basically society is a big family. Negative - chaios, everything is chaios, time is not a parameter, order is for pussies.

Amazon Schlong Feb 20, 2018

Chaos *

Google fvav53 Feb 20, 2018

Taiwanese culture Positive: people are extremely nice. Most people care about other people. People are laid back Negative: distance between people can be too close. Being competitive is not on top of most people’s lists.

1175points Feb 20, 2018

US, western countries’ China

Amazon poconos Feb 20, 2018

Indian culture: Great survival and adaptation skills. And of course competitive as well but probably not as much as Americans as Indian culture respects self reflection and humility a lot more. However, that’s changing. It’s gonna be interesting to see where it’s headed. Negative: Low self-esteem (ironical, I know), submissive, casteist, too eager to adopt to an extent of loosing self-identity (for example: casteism got worse while desperately trying to adapt to Britain’s classism pre-independence, way too enthusiastic to blend in America by faking accents, body language etc), low integrity and transparency caused by a history of practiced intentional knowledge asymmetry to protect the self-proclaimed superiority of a few castes.

Visa Boimkz Feb 20, 2018

Indian culture: Positive: family oriented as fuck. Parents invest a lot of energy into their children and guide them well. Not anti-intellectual. Well-educated people are well-respected. Smaller carbon footprint by far. Western people consume way more resources and not just because they’re rich. The high-meat consumption diet is a big factor. Also the desire for huge vehicles and living in a suburbian McMansion. Culture is more social. Less loneliness, on average compared to the west. Negatives: very hierarchical culture. Not just the caste system but it seems like Indians have social hierarchy more deeply programmed in them. Too conservative. Following the set paths is more common that blazing your own trail. Also, social changes happen a lot more slowly. Sorely lacking self-reflection. India can become an awesome country. But for that, Indians need to admit: we’re not awesome right now. Find out why. Fix the problems. Instead, Indians tend to feel like India and especially ‘Indian culture’ is #1 FTW. With that attitude, no wonder things don’t change. The cancer of corruption has afflicted our culture deeply and I believe that having a fatalistic outlook, coupled by an affinity to ‘play it safe’ makes it hard to eliminate this cancer.

IBM 👁🐝Ⓜ️ Feb 20, 2018

Saudi Arabia Positive: you can drive your cars on two wheels whenever you like. Women know their place. Negatives: sometimes driving on two wheels doesn’t work out. Women are starting to drive, which could be a problem for two wheeled driving.

Yahoo Oath😂 Feb 20, 2018

👆this cracked me up 😂

Accenture obamacare Feb 20, 2018

White culture Positives: bland food good for an upset stomach. Negatives: foundation of society built on chattel slavery and genocide

IBM 👁🐝Ⓜ️ Feb 20, 2018

*Western culture Positives: Enlightenment values that have lead to an explosion of prosperity. Capitalism that is pulled billions out of poverty. Eliminated legalized slavery before all other civilizations. Extending equal rights to women and all races. Negatives: Lots of heads lost during the French Revolution. Having to constantly beat down Marxist Ideology.

Twitter AxOG42 Feb 20, 2018

Roman culture: Positive : Lot of Philosophers, civil engineers. Towns are big and are like scifi for the plebs. negative: slaves everywhere. Rich are lazy as fuck and spend time at the baths. Keep expanding their empire so they can have more slaves. No theoretical science or math research.

IBM oMKS68 Mar 14, 2018

Mexican culture Positive: work ethic ridiculous af, how much work you can handle and a bag of chips, it’s like the more suffering or pain you can handle the better. No fear in self-reinvention or doing any type of work to provide for family. We don’t think we’re too good for x y or z. Negative: humility as a virtue is taken to the extreme in the sense that we’re not confident or arrogant in situations that we need to be like tech or business. So family oriented that if u leave for college or another city ppl think you’re too good for them and selling out, undermining those who do try to be supportive. Probably one reason why ppl think we’re not as good as Asians in terms of model minority for example...we can outwork anyone, but we self-sabotage in ways we don’t like to admit