Tech IndustryMay 24, 2020

Lockheed Martin Software Engineer Interview?

Any tips for interviewing for an Associate Software Engineer position at a Defense Contractor? Anyone have experience?

Microsoft Rs791 May 24, 2020

Uber to Lockheed? Damn times are tough

Microsoft rLsq88 May 26, 2020


Google PMlr18 May 24, 2020

Defense industry is so desperate for quality software engineers that all you have to do is exist. I used to work for Lockheed and the whole interview process was me answering some STAR format questions.

LinkedIn unless May 24, 2020

Yeah I had one of those a while ago. Didn't even show up yet they still gave me an offer

Lockheed Martin devopdegen Sep 11, 2020

Don't even go lmao

ImBsian Sep 23, 2023

Hey I know it's been years. How was the interview with LockHeed? I also have one coming up just wondering what it was like. Thanks in advance!