Looking for referral to adobe, salesforce, yahoo, crowdstrike, ebay, paypal

I'm a backend engineer with more than 3 yoe working on financial apis, cloud infrastructure, and streaming data. 200+ LC and passed l4/l5 onsites at Affirm and Atlassian, but no offer due to hiring freeze/headcount. Found roles that line up well with my experience and will provide resume in DM. #adobe #salesforce #yahoo #crowdstrike #ebay #paypal

eBay 7ucY1jk Sep 28, 2023

Dm for eBay

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Salesforce Hyperforce Sep 28, 2023

Please visit the Salesforce career page for the job details. Email the job id/link ,your full name, CV, and a brief statement on your fit for the role(in third person) to referral.tw@gmail.com

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Capital One volvolevol Oct 6, 2023

Is atlassian still hiring freeze? I saw them post some new roles this week

Qualys WRgr06 Oct 12, 2023

Dm for Crowdstrike

CrowdStrike gassed Oct 14, 2023

Crowdstrike filled up sorry