AMAMar 30

Lots of Stanford Men End Up as Green Card Sponsors

Looking at my Stanford male alumni in tech, nearly all of them by their late thirties married someone for whom they had to sponsor for a green card. The same is of course not true for my female alumni.

AT&T LHTa18 Mar 30

What a fantastic use of your weekend time. Keep up 👍👍

Meta overtaxed! OP Mar 30

This is what a Stanford grad does on a weekend.

Google faanguru Mar 30

Stanford alums have typically more choices. Why do you think they go for foreign partners, assuming your anecdotal point has some merit?

Meta overtaxed! OP Mar 31

Stanford alums have the same choices as everyone else sometimes even less. They go for foreign women because they can’t get anyone born in the States.

Google faanguru Mar 31

Maybe they don’t want US women. Maybe they want more traditional culture, maybe they want better looking women, you never know. You attitude seems really off where you automatically assume women from outside of the US are inferior to US women, and the Stanford alumns can’t get what they really want (US women) hence they settle for less.

Google hligbg Mar 30

Someone is jelly!

Cruise hMRG28 Mar 30

Because they are interested in something they do not know yet, like other cultures? You are probably wrong about female Stanford alumni. Look outside of tech. Whom did they marry?

oScx21 Mar 30

That’s outdated, you can get a free flight and monthly payments with Visa cards if you are just illegal

NVIDIA VoteDem🗽 Mar 30

Good for them if it makes them happy👍 I know many non-Stanford guys like this too, it doesn't take much.

PayPal techCog Mar 31

So that’s what smart people do…

JLL exAmhole Mar 31

So you saying the prof from Berkeley was right?

Walt Disney fj383hd Mar 31

Why is this post in AMA channel?

PayPal techCog Mar 31

This is a troll post. The OP is a foreign agent for China and mostly writes political posts manipulating US citizens to stop assisting other nations like Ukraine and Taiwan to keep money “at home”. OP can barely write incomprehensible English and makes so many grammatical errors, no good university would accept him (oh yeah, he’s not an American, he didn’t go to Stanford, and he’s not a woman). Xi Jinping and his minions need to realize that if China keeps trying to interfere in American elections, Americans will boycott Chinese products. And at this delicate time of corrupt real estate scandals and skyrocketing youth unemployment there, a widespread boycott could lead to a popular uprising against China’s oppressive, authoritarian regime.

Meta overtaxed! OP Mar 31

You are right. It is dangerous to have Americans thinking unapproved thoughts. For the sake of defending freedom and democracy, I need to be banned and thrown in jail.

PayPal techCog Apr 1

This isn’t Hong Kong. It’s not like you’re going to get run over by tanks here.