Tech IndustryOct 2, 2019

Fitbit software engineering levels does not have data of Fitbit. Fitbit seems to have these positions, along with my guesses to Amazon and Google levels. Fitbit - Amazon - Google Software Engineer - SDE1 - SWE2 Senior Software Engineer - SDE2 - SWE3 Lead Software Engineer - SDE3 - Senior SWE Staff Software Engineer - PE - Staff SWE Anyone at Fitbit know if this looks good? #Fitbit #levels @Fitbit - Compare career levels across companies - Compare career levels across companies
Fitbit lba575 Oct 2, 2019

Yep thatā€™s our progression at least. After staff is senior staff then principal

Microsoft Wahh28 Oct 3, 2019

Fitbit is a sinking ship. Stay away.

Fitbit VreI05 Oct 4, 2019

Not really. Not perfect by any means, but the recent deals and progress in the health space (see: Singapore) are pretty cool.

Microsoft Wahh28 Oct 5, 2019

Stock is down 10x from IPO.

Box unkind Oct 4, 2019

Check out the Fitbit community forum. So many angry people. App upgrade in August broke syncing from device to phone for so many people. I downgraded and have had no problems since. Fitbit blamed it all on the customers. I found it disgusting.

Microsoft Wahh28 Oct 5, 2019

You're proving this guy right. You're blaming Apple instead of Fitbit. Also, he is a customer explaining his perception and you're telling him you don't believe him.

Microsoft Wahh28 Oct 5, 2019

Again trying to correct people and be defensive instead of taking feedback.

Fitbit VreI05 Oct 4, 2019

Yes, this is correct. Bear in mind that Staff is definitely easier to hit at Fitbit than Google, and Iā€™d expect most low/mid Staff at Fitbit to be downleveled at Google unless they interview very well.

Fitbit Xf7De4 Oct 30, 2019

Nobody knows. Given that this is alphabet acquiring and not google, I doubt it