Lyft on-site

I have lyft onsite coming up. They mentioned they have 60-90 minute project interview during onsite beside 2 coding and 2 design interviews. Any idea about this project interview ? And what’s the level of coding interviews ? Leetcode medium is enough or hard as well ?

Amazon JustFOokIt Jan 5, 2018

Wtfooki... When I interviewed they had one coding n 2 design and lunch/behavioral

Apple chipotlefa Jan 5, 2018

How many telephonic did you have before onsite ?

Snapchat Snapisdope Jan 5, 2018

They’ll give you a problem statement and you have to implement it. More like a college assignment. Usually there’s no trick involved and you can use the Internet.

Riverbed Technology WAWX65 OP Jan 5, 2018

1 .

Microsoft KLaV20 Oct 10, 2018

How does the referrals work at Lyft? I don't have any friends working there