
META stock Buy or Sell before earnings

META stock had a great run some 170% in the last 1 year. Is it a buy or sell before earnings?>

113 Participants
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Pure Storage vYlb01 Jan 28

With current valuation it’s more likely to go down than up. Anything may happen ofc but the expectations for earnings are very high.

Meta HatGPT Jan 28

Not true. All S&P 500 companies are more likely to go up instead of down. That includes Meta. Doesn’t matter about current evaluation. That’s just how stocks work. If it was more likely to go down, it would have already gone down.

Qualcomm newQT Jan 28

META premiums look really high right now so expect a major move after the earnings either way. In case you want to accumulate more, selling puts might be a good strategy. If you want to get out, selling calls can give you extra premium profit

Meta No Impact Jan 29

I think buy, but I’m not allowed to

Amazon hqowicbqk Jan 29

So you didnt want to buy meta at 80 (otherwise you wouldnt wanna buy more at these crazy prices) but you want to FOMO in now at near 400??? Go study finance. You might learn something and end up being a profitable trader. Who knows.

Stripe ifjshru Jan 29

I just sold all. It will dip in next 2-3 months and then will get back in

Oracle buchfgt OP Jan 29

Why do you think it will dip ?

Stripe ifjshru Jan 29

Analysts have a fair value at 326 per share. It’s over 400 as of me writing this reply.. but then market hasn’t been rational when it comes to FAANG and Tesla stocks so who knows.. maybe I am wrong.. or maybe at some point logic may prevail