
Internship Referrals Needed :)

Hi Blinders, I'm new to the whole job hunt and just been stumped out with rejections. Looking for referrals to FAANGMULA+ for tech internship roles, SWE, SDE, DS and PM technical roles. Trying to kickstart my career before I finish up my MSc Advanced Computer Science. Currently living in Belize but can migrate to Seattle, Boston, NY, California, Houston , Dallas, San Antonio, Austin and Miami with no issues. BSc - Computer Science Algorithms License - Stanford Online Full Stack Certificate - Hong Kong University of Technology expected Dec 2020 Data Structures License - University of Michigan expected Dec 2020 MSc - Advanced Computer Science expected end of Spring 2022 150 Leetcode and practicing daily with 5+ attempted until solved. Contract FullStack Consultancy experience Contract Front End Consultancy experience 3 years SDE experience (1yr intern,1yr jr. SDE, 1yr - now Member of Technical Staff as innovations and SDE team lead) 1 year as Networking, Telecommunications and Hardware Engineering Intern was able to gain full time work experience while I was at school full time as well which explains the clashing timelines. I've already applied to my dream companies and a whole bunch of other companies that I wish to work at ie Google, Apple, Capital One, Sony, Tesla, Robolox, MongoDB, Sqaurespace, Palantir and the rest of FAANGMULA+. #tech #swe #engineering #software #referral #hiring #internship #softwareengineer #datascience #programmanager #softwaredevelper #microsoft #adobe #salesforce #slack #apple #paypal #dropbox #atlassian #google #instacart #square #twilio #faang #datadog #snowflake #rubrik #bloomberg #stripe #snap #lyft #uber #spotify #robinhood #yelp #GoldmanSachs #Tesla #Dropbox #Snapchat #Pinterest #databricks #doordash #datadog #capitalone #facebook #amazon #palantir #uber #lyft #mongodb #sony #roblox #careguide #slack #squarespace #amd #intel #spotify #robinhood #fintech

iWorkAtNew Nov 30, 2020

The reason why you are getting a lot of rejection is because you are from Belize. The companies you listed mainly hire interns and graduates from USA and Canada. In the current environment (with COVID-19 and government visa restrictions), it's even harder for companies to hire candidates from outside US/Canada. Good luck though!

yassop76 OP Dec 1, 2020

thanks for feedback. I figured as much but just thought I'd go for it regardless