How to stay sharp/relevant in non tech company?

I am a new grad software developer at an insurance company. I don't feel like my current work involves a lot of development. While I do use typescript, nodeJS, and work with the AWS CDK, I don't feel like I am learning much. I know that the market is rough right now, especially at my experience level but I want to be able to stay sharp and job hop for more money some time in the future. What can I do to remain competitive? My ultimate goal is to work at a FAANG or FAANG-Adjacent.

GrubHub staffhub Mar 22


Verizon Die4FAANG! OP Mar 22

Basically developing back end services with AWS. Utilizing AWS Cloud Development Kit Framework

GrubHub staffhub Mar 22

i mean there is no magic solution, either get a new job that makes you stay current or do it in free time or try to get your current job to give you learning opportunities

Verizon Die4FAANG! OP Mar 22

Doing it in my free time by making side projects? Or taking courses?

GrubHub staffhub Mar 23

ideally getting paid to do a side project for a real customer

SC Johnson VBDu03 Mar 22

To remain competitive, you keep on applying for jobs, attend the few interviews that come your way, learn where you lacked, and work on them. Apply even for jobs (location) you don’t like much to keep yourself prepared for the right opportunity. But don’t drag the interview process if you don’t plan to join. Also Whenever you complete a major task at work, note it down with details like a story that you can tell in an interview. (With allrelevant details)

GrubHub staffhub Mar 22

true you can tell the story of how you proposed to modernize stuff even if it gets denied, as long as you made a serious effort

Google Heroin Mar 22

If your company does anything cool just post about it on LinkedIn and claim credit for it.