Tech IndustrySep 3, 2019

MLE , SWE at Google

Hey guys , I am a currently a DS at a company in Midwest and am preparing for MLE positions by leetcoding and doing system design too. I wonder how to apply for Google MLE positions? Never see any opening mentioning MLE ? If I want to work on ML at do I go about it . Any specific prep tips appreciated Yoe: 1 Tc : 99k

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Microsoft bhgcdtjllh Sep 3, 2019

Where are you in Midwest? Which company? TC seems high for a data scientist.

kokinaddic OP Sep 3, 2019

Anyways know anything about the Google thing? So what should be the TC acc to you lol?

kokinaddic OP Sep 3, 2019

Chicago, Uptake

JhYt70 Sep 3, 2019

What’s your education background? I think you need PhD in CS to work at a team like google brain.

kokinaddic OP Sep 4, 2019

I have a BS from a good school

Apple bmgoe Sep 3, 2019

Forget it. You wont get into G ML with your background. U gotta make a name for yourself elsewhere first then reapply.

kokinaddic OP Sep 4, 2019

What do you mean by " make a name " ?? I already work as a DS ! Care to elaborate?

Apple bmgoe Sep 4, 2019

You have to publish in important conferences and meet important ppl in the field or know important academics

Argo AI robobobobo Sep 4, 2019

I've seen people get jobs like that without a PhD but they usually have a few papers in a specific area and are from a good school.

kokinaddic OP Sep 4, 2019

I don't have any papers, but I am from a good school

Google d3j88wq Sep 4, 2019

You could get in as regular swe then try to switch to ml role. Might be easier than joining as ml. But I'm not sure.

kokinaddic OP Sep 4, 2019

What ratio of easy , medium, hard of leetcode should I practice ?