From Incompetent Engineer to Milking Tech Giants

Update: I have never worked more than one jobs at any point, I think it's unethical. I have been in the industry for around 12 years and realized during my first job that I am an incompetent engineer. I continued to work hard, trying different companies in various countries, but I remained incompetent. Eventually, I stopped caring. All I would do is join a new company, get fired in less than a year—I was fired from around 10+ out of 15 jobs in the last 12 years, mostly due to performance reasons and my inability to navigate office politics effectively. Finally, I mastered the art of milking the 💰 cash cows (tech companies) and the art of interviewing to maximize my total compensation and severance. One of the Faangs is also my victim, I milked the PIP factory. I experienced burnout a few times but came out stronger every time. Happy Ending: I Eventually reached my FIRE number, after returning to my so called third world country. I am now looking for the next opportunity, where I can use my hard earned skills. I don't care about job security or WLB for the obvious reasons. Please DM for referrals. #tech #referral #TechJourney #IncompetentEngineer #CareerChallenges #AdaptAndOvercome #OfficePolitics #TechIndustryInsights #JobHopping #BurnoutSurvivor #CashCowMastery #InterviewArtistry #SeveranceSuccess #FANGExperience #PIPFactor #HappyEnding #FIRENumberAchieved #CareerResilience #OpportunitySeeker #TechSkillsShowcase #DMForReferrals #JobSearchAdventure #WorkLifeBalanceWhoNeedsIt #ProfessionalGrowth

Arcesium Jan 19

What is your hard earned skill you are talking about?

Cisco nv90SF Jan 19

deception and incompetence. which is actually common in his country with the IT scams.

Microsoft hdjkdjeb Jan 19

Again coast somewhere for a few months and get fired. He mastered the interviewing skills. I think OP wants to refer those skills which he acquired over the years.

PayPal trap_stamp Jan 19


Meta FI-2025 Jan 19

What’s your FIRE number

Meta Cap’nToad Jan 19


ex-Wayfair FiredEngg Jan 19

Around 800k USD in India, apart from that I have my car and home that are paid off. No active EMI, loans or liabilities.

9kubffolby Jan 19

This screams satire all over,, 🤣

ex-Wayfair FiredEngg Jan 19

Truth sounds funny?

Microsoft frodo_nine Jan 19

"Milking tech giants dry" .... I mean....

teriyucky Jan 19

Here here. I m a skilled deceptor too! Key is to keep changing teams / managers / companies. Cruising without performing for last 15 years 😄

CrowdStrike $CRWD 💎🙌 Jan 19

Lol. What do you even do and what level are you?

Walmart cnicyklza Jan 19

how many months you guys stay in a role to make this work ?

Amazon laying_pip Jan 19

Respec 🫡

ex-Wayfair FiredEngg Jan 19

welcome to the club brother/sister

Google DisStress Jan 19

Reaching FIRE is easy if you move to a “3rd world country”. $1Mil will make you a king in those spots. Takes $3M+ to live comfortably in even the poor area of the US & FAT FIRE

Meta FI-2025 Jan 19

Some of those “third world” Countries are pretty solid now. Ex Thailand

Arcesium Jan 19

India too is inflated af

Balyasny Asset Management phellmuth Jan 22

Based if not trolling