Misc.Oct 13, 2018

Why does NPR suck on weekends?

It's just a bunch of hokey stuff and fake game shows with corny jokes that resemble humor. There is so much interesting stuff that they produce, why do I have to listen to this crap if I want to turn on their station on the weekend? Edit: I've got podcasts, but I'm more wondering why they do this. Does anyone really enjoy listening to that crap?

gravos Oct 13, 2018

You can listen to podcasts like planet money, radio lab, etc. That's what I do

Vertivco Fast Papua Oct 13, 2018

Why the fuck do people still listen to shit radio, and a fuckin' public broadcasting station at that?

Microsoft wbYt28 Oct 13, 2018

Because their content is great?

Google RockLobsta Oct 13, 2018

Get podcasts instead of listening to the radio.

Apple magikarp16 Oct 13, 2018

I feel the same. The weekend shows are not at par with the usual quality of shows they produce.

Workday Kaepernick Oct 13, 2018

They don't bring in cool people like me.

Microsoft Msftthdkxk Oct 13, 2018

It's wasn't always that way. Used to great, but the big Saturday anchor hosts retired (eg Car Talk and Garrisob Kellor), but they didn't have a strong bench of new shows or a plan to create newer ones. Instead they keep trying to milk the old ones ( car talk in reruns and a lame new guy for a PHC).

detekoi Oct 13, 2018

Garrison Keillor got MeToo’d

Google snidely Oct 13, 2018

It's not NPR's fault that Saudi consular officers only butcher people on weekdays.

Pinterest expin Oct 13, 2018

Lol. Liberal xenophobia seems to have moved from Russia to China to Saudi Arabia this week.

Pinterest expin Oct 13, 2018

Saudis be chopping people up for hundreds of years.

DuQvV7x Oct 13, 2018

Wait wait don’t tell me Snap Judgement All Things Considered Moth Radio Hour Freakonomics Planet Money This American Life Bluegrass Ramble That’s literally my local affiliates weekend schedule. Perhaps your local affiliate just sucks. I ❤️ these shows.

Amazon Hairstyle OP Oct 13, 2018

Other than the hokey wait wait and bluegrass, that's a solid lineup. Yes it looks like my stations are bad.

DuQvV7x Oct 13, 2018

I guess Bluegrass is an Indiana thing. But, everyone needs some Earl Scruggs in their life... :)