Would you..?

Take an offer outside the Big 4 (GT, BDO, Moss Adams etc.) if they made you partner or stick it out 4 more years as director to have a shot at becoming partner at the Big 4? Why?

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PwC Iop Aug 8, 2016

Question is kinda confusing. U mean becoming a partner at these firms?

PwC PETD06 OP Aug 8, 2016

Yes, basically saying would you become partner now (if an opportunity arose) at the cost of losing the Big 4 title. Or stay for a few more years to become a Big 4 partner. This is assuming that you are currently a sr manager/director at the Big 4.

PwC yGWo21 Aug 9, 2016

Partner retirement/pension is usually far better at the Big 4.

EY big4star Aug 9, 2016

a partner at moss is nobody in comparison to the big 4.

Deloitte KiloMike Aug 9, 2016

Why not wait 4 years and then decide?

EY betawave Aug 9, 2016

What are the chances of becoming big 4 partner?

KPMG Zoller Aug 9, 2016

If you're 4 years away from having a shot at partner, then you probably should know it by now

BDO XQmI66 Sep 14, 2016

Incorrect. Being 4 years away, you're at least, well, 4 years away from knowing. Absolutely none of the Big 4 will entertain a partner discussion with someone who's 4 years away so if you have the opportunity now at one of the next big 3 - BDO, GT, RSM - take it. Others, no, wait and ride it out.

PwC cwp Aug 9, 2016

Uber's valuation went from $3.5 billion in August 2013 to $66 billion today. That's 3 years. You can get a lot done and make a lot more in 4. So, why waste it? I'd take the partnership offer in front of me than waste my time trying to fight for one.

KPMG dsJs13 Aug 11, 2016

I have a buddy who did this and he regrets it. smaller firms just crank out volume with no quality. keeps the guy up at night

Deloitte Nadex Aug 12, 2016

which guy are you referring to here.. haha