FitnessJun 1, 2023

Marks Murph

I’m taking it really personally that Mark Zuckerberg is able to do the murph so fast. I’ve been training a while and it just took me 20 minutes to do ~1/4 of a murph 30 pull-ups, 50 push-ups, 100 squats with 21 lbs. (my vest is a lb) Pull-ups are hard and when you train them regularly they mess up your elbow tendons. the squats and pushups are easier but I’m just really bothered by this and want to beat Marks time asap. I know I can optimize because I accidentally put 26lbs in the vest at first and didn’t do any squats or pushups until the pull-ups were done, so if I did those in rests I could speed it up. I’m not sure I can do more than 60 weighted pull-ups in a session without elbow problems. Maybe I need to improve my diet? Anyone have a good training plan? A little about me: 155 lb female 2 kids, not a lot of time to train Very motivated to beat mark Thanks in advance

Lockheed Martin anonlmpm Jun 1, 2023

The billionaire plan: - hire a dietician - hire a personal trainer - hire the worlds foremost king fu sensei - hire a personal physician who will prescribe you whatever medication you ask for on the spot and will keep syringes of collagen and steroids on hand to make any achy joints feel great at a moments notice - hire whatever help you need for everything else so that you can focus solely on your fitness goals Easy

Meta seedling🌽 OP Jun 1, 2023

Thank you this is helpful