Median Sr SWE salary at Chinese big tech

In China, what is the typical salary of a Senior Software Engineer, at a Big Tech company like AliBaba, JD, ByteDance, or TenCent? I don't care about the US subsidiary salaries, only the China offices. Yuan or USD equivalent please. 1 Yuan = 0.14 USD I know they make less than their US counterparts. I want to know how much less.

Red Hat mountainNC Mar 4

I have more than one friends at the positions you asked. So for senior not staff, typically about 800k-1.2million yuan or $110k-170k, pre tax. As I know, in China, this income gets around a 30% tax rate For Staff SDE in tier 1 China companies, the typical income is 1.5-2 million yuan or $200-280k. Btw, JD isn’t tier 1 and never pays as much as ByteDance

Goldman Sachs sndrBagMan OP Mar 4

Thank you!