Office LifeAug 29, 2018

Men: How long when taking a dump at work?

During work hours, do you make it a quick in and out or do you take a nice long, relaxed break? I have heard people in the stalls watching YouTube and such and sometimes even taking calls while carrying out their business.

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Microsoft YwWb48 Aug 29, 2018

I take twice as long as half a dump.

Amazon kams Aug 30, 2018

That’s not true

Microsoft YwWb48 Aug 30, 2018

True, as mine are definitely non-linear, I retract my comment.

Microsoft Gintama Aug 29, 2018

I guess it depends if you have things like IBS ......

Oracle Sacra Fats Aug 29, 2018

Asking the important questions right here

Facebook 👁️‍🗨️ Aug 29, 2018

Until I can feel my legs getting numb.

Apple blindpeach Aug 29, 2018

why is this geared towards just men? I enjoy wasting 7-10 minutes to myself at least once a day.

Sony Dukie OP Aug 29, 2018

Interested in women’s opinions too, but wasn’t sure if that is comparing apples to apples. I have absolutely no idea what goes on in the women’s bathrooms. Not sure if etiquette and norms are the same.

LinkedIn fundip Aug 29, 2018

If you seen someone going to the bathroom for 10-15 minutes, please don't automatically assume they are being delinquent. Some folks have colitis, IBS or Crohn's disease, even if they look physically fit and healthy. It can take years to identify the foods that make you spend a lot of time in the bathroom. (My wife has Crohn's and is always worried about people thinking she left an event, when she merely needed to use the bathroom).

Puppet pqXV61 Aug 29, 2018

Boss makes a dollar, I make a dime, that's why I poop on company time.

Citibank Ilsn45 Aug 29, 2018

Technicolor ppSi44 Aug 30, 2018

What the actual fuck

Amazon User_AMZN Sep 6, 2018

I left a note like that once. The behavior stopped. But it was followed up a couple of days later with a note reminding people that interview candidates also use the restroom.

Apple Sskfirn7 Aug 30, 2018

Depends whether I’m in the zone or not on a problem. If so, it’s quick so I can get back to work. Otherwise, I take my sweet ass time