Tech IndustryJan 3, 2022

Meta | E5 | Interview Experience

#meta #facebook #tech Hi folks, Blind and its community has helped me a lot in my preparation. I wanted to share my experience so that other people can benefit from my experience. Years Of Experience: 6 Offer Date: Dec-2021 Interview Timeline: ~4 Months Interview process: Recruiter Call - This is just a casual call with the recruiter. In this call, you are expected to talk about your current work and responsibilities which helps recruiters assign you a level for an interview like E3, E4, E5, and so on. My Advice - Before this call gather your most impactful projects and try to talk them through in your own words. You don't have to explain technical things but you are expected to show that the level you are aiming for is within your reach. Screening round - Total 45 minutes round. 2 Medium level questions in 40 minutes. 5 minutes are for the introduction. My Advice - Purchase LC Premium without second thoughts. Try to solve the questions within 15 to 20 minutes including test case verification. It sounds hard but after a lot of practice its possible. Moreover, the questions will be quite similar to the questions which are tagged under FB on LC Premium. 2 coding rounds - 2 coding rounds of 45 minutes each. Expected to solve 2 medium or 1 hard & 1 easy in 40 minutes for each round. My Advice - Same as screening round. Solve as many FB tagged questions as possible. System Design - You are given an abstract problem which you need to scope and discuss. If you are interviewing for E5 or senior role don't expect any help from the interviewer. Always make sure to explain your reason for your each and every decision. My Advice - Read Educative, Donnie Martin, CodeKarle (Youtube), Tech Dummies (Youtube). You can refer to other channels on youtube as well. Behavioural - You are asked standard questions like introduction, conflict resolution, hardest problem solved etc. My Advice - Don't take this round lightly as this is a strong level indicator after System Design. Prepare your answers in the following manner. First, explain the situation. Second, how did you solve it or what was your contribution. Third, what was its impact on the company or project (very important). Fourth, Learnings for future if any (not a must, but good to have). And last of all don't dive too much into technical details as in most cases that is not helpful and will waste your time. My Experience Screening Round I scheduled my screening after 4 weeks. Solved around 200+ FB tagged LC questions for Screening round, mostly easy/medium and few hard. Try to check for corner cases and mistakes that you do quite often. Expect Easy/Medium questions in this round. Probability of hard questions is low but it does exits. Have a habit of dry running the code. At last Practice, Practice, Practice. My Questions A standard question of priority queue (Easy) Tree and DLL related question (Medium) 2 coding rounds I scheduled my onsite after 7 weeks from screening. By this time I solved around 350 FB tagged questions. Focus on medium questions first and if time permits solve the hard ones too. Probability of medium questions is more then hard questions. You are judged on Communication, Verifcation, Code quality & Time Complexity Analysis. My Questions a) Again a Priority queue related question (Medium) b) Matrix related question (Medium to hard level difficulty) c) Tree & unordered_map related question (Medium) d) array sum related question (Medium) System Design Expect 1 question in this round. If you are interviewing for senior role don't expect any help or pointers from interviewer but they can provide hint if you are heading in totally wrong direction. As this is very vast topic. Only discuss things that are important to the problem at hand. Meaning first solve the high level design completely. Then you can start optimizing and expalin the low level details of 2-3 components. I followed this because if you will go too deep in one component you might not finish naming all the components. Alos, Always expain the reason behind your choice. You should be data driven. My Question Design FB newsfeed and scale it. Behvaioural Round Nothing special, general questions that you can find easily. But focus on the points that I have made above and be sure to prepare your answers in advance so that you are comfortable discussing your experience. It was not easy cracking the FB interviews or any interviews for that matter. I have tried 2 times with google and failed. During my first attempt with google, i got rejected in Phone screen. In the next attempt, I did a full loop but still did not get the offer. My feedback was average and I was asked to prepare more. Nothing comes easy in life and everything comes at a price. Resources that I used for my preparation LC Premium Educative System Design Premium Donnie Martin CodeKarle, Tech Dummies, Gaurav Sen, etc. on Youtube (Specifically for FB) I hope this post will be helpful. Keep working hard towards your goals and you will get through. If I can do it so can you. Happy Interviewing!!

The Interview Sage
The Interview Sage
Crest Data Systems iamjava Jan 3, 2022

Hi! Did you code most of those 200 Questions on LC or you made sure that you knew the approach?

Adobe w84iit OP Jan 3, 2022

I coded it. But i was not able to solve all of them so read the solutions for the questions that i cant solve, understood the approach and then submitted them

Crest Data Systems iamjava Jan 3, 2022

Oh okay! And which list did you follow? Last 6 months most frequent questions?

Apple mod4 Jan 11, 2022

@op Did you mean tagged in which of these 2 lists? or "Interested in joining Facebook? This problems list will give"

Adobe w84iit OP Jan 3, 2022


eBay skfurb847 Jan 4, 2022

What was the offer though?

Adobe w84iit OP Jan 4, 2022


Apple mod4 Jan 18, 2022

thanks for the post. How did you feel about this offer 180 base $450k rsu? any sign on.

Adobe w84iit OP Jan 18, 2022

Its low as compared to std offer but i did not have aby compenting offers so had to accept it. No sign on but relocation bonus of 16k

HPE V892IR Jan 4, 2022

What’s the offer break up

Oracle Achilles# Jan 4, 2022

Thank you for writing such detailed prep strategies and your experience. Congratulations and all the best to you 👍

Saviynt csuser Jan 14, 2022

What’s the offer breakup?

Roblox onecode Feb 3, 2022
