Meta M1 Onsite

I have my interviews at @meta next week and am most concerned about the coding round. I am preparing with Leetcode 150 (Neetcode). Any tips or tricks to fast track the preparation. In addition, I cannot see myself being able to solve 2 med/hard questions in 40 minutes using Java. What are some techniques I can use to increase my chance!##

Microsoft rndm123rr Apr 5

So you already passed first round? I have first round in a week: what questions did they ask if you don’t mind sharing?

Meta f6ko5l Apr 5

What? Do we ask coding questions for M1 ? Our M1 managers never code, and mostly people managers

Meta ZuckOnThis Apr 5

Yup! Can’t escape it… If I recall correctly, even directors do a slot?

Meta CygnusX1 Apr 5

Prepare for solving LC Medium Qs in 40 mins, Meta typically doesn’t ask LC Hard.

Atlassian vLvKj5 Apr 5

I’ve been told I would solve two mediums in 40 mins but it turned out to be one medium one easy

Dropbox WannaQuitN Apr 6

Op - did you have a system design round already?