Meta Offer IC5

Got an IC5 offer from Meta in CA. Base/RSU/sign-on: 210/600/50 Currently working at Microsoft WA, TC 230k. Kind of like being in Seattle, rain is not an issue. Heard mixed opinions about California. Would you relocate?

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Meta aOBm72 Mar 15


Salesforce ragaismad Mar 15

Try for 230/850/50. The stock grant is way low

Snap pwoer Mar 15

Yes, try for 260/1.2M/100 I know a couple of people who got these numbers

Lyft carrots🥕 Mar 15

Try for 1M/10M/1M - nice round numbers 👍

Plaid q34Zaa Mar 15

Come to Amazon, which can very likely meet or exceed Meta offer and you get to stay in Seattle. Similar high performance company culture, both are large and offer lots of opportunities for professional growth and internal transfer.

Ford Motor Company popcorn420 Mar 15

And PiP

Plaid q34Zaa Mar 15

Meta has the same thing. Not official PIP but you slack a bit and you are out. Same stress.

Salesforce reshape Mar 15

Congrats! Nice tc bump.In bay area and absolutely love it here. Depends also on having friends/family around. What’s your yoe? I’m in e4/e5 loop and have an onsite scheduled - any tips?

Meta dvbjjn Mar 15


Microsoft rigl00 OP Mar 15

PhD + 4

anthony_ Mar 15

congrats! is it e5?

Google Lst&Confsd Mar 15

Congrats! YOE?

Oracle lee99 Mar 15

For 210+150k (600/4)= 360k which is 130k more you want to give up your peace of mind, move to a state where you income goes down by 6 to 7% due state tax + if you have a kid you end up paying 20 to 30% more on day care expenses + property tax is 2% higher than Seattle East side (6% higher if you are in Cupertino). It is not worth it unless you “hate” Seattle weather.

Microsoft softysoft Mar 15

There is 15% bonus and stacked refresh from year 2 to year 4. So it is closer to 200k than 130k

Oracle lee99 Mar 15

Stacked refresh is performance based. Meta is aggressive enough to PIP average performers. Source: wife moved from Microsoft to Meta in Seattle for 30% bump. Year of efficiency has been really high pressure environment and not worth it unless you are killing it.

Expedia Group glossylips Mar 15

The increase in TC isn’t enough to make the choice clear so it depends on your current and future team and where you want your live and work

Google JTat70 Mar 15

Does that seem a little low for E5? I thought it was roughly 400k