
Meta / Pinterest / Amazon

Which is best to choose ? Meta L5: 400K Pinterest L5: 375K Amazon: 375K #tech #meta #pinterest #amazon

49 Participants
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Apple rhdjdnsv May 8


PwC mkoo May 8

for swe or pm?

Hi congrats on your offers! Would you mind sharing your prep for coding and sys. design? Were most of your coding questions medium difficulty? Thank you in advance

Meta sf280 May 8

Meta 100%

Amazon djibsjmlgc May 8

Make it a vote. Also, Meta 100%.

noopcard OP May 8

I added now. Why do you think meta?

Amazon djibsjmlgc May 9

Adds more value on resume. Probably more structured growth and learning at Meta bcz it’s a bug company and has frameworks, concrete checklist to go to the next level. Better refreshers. And from what I have heard, meta has amazing benefits on top of great pay.

Amazon tP12mn May 9

Don’t Meta levels start with E? L5 is E4 I believe. What level at Amazon?

Amazon east LA May 9

You should put Pinterest is remote. That'll more than likely sway some people

Microsoft LgKM50 May 9

Congrats! How long did it take to do team-matching at Pinterest?

Snap TheyKnow May 9


Atlassian 9Jfjksn May 9

Pinterest has the same perks as Meta and is remote too