Meta Research Scientist

What do Research Scientists PhDs make at Meta new grad? How does pay/progression compare with SWE? I am also interviewing with quant funds as well and long term TC is my main concern.

NVIDIA bluegene13 Aug 6, 2023

I’m guessing they are equivalent to swe l4 or l3?

Juniper purpleX38 Aug 6, 2023

They enter as e4 (l4). I haven’t heard any entering as l3. Have several people I know entered as e4 but they do mle.

Meta olivewagyu Aug 12, 2023

Pay band seems relatively in track with what SDEs get. But anecdotal evidence suggests RS can usually get near the top of the band when negotiated well. I'm currently almost at 500, a year after finishing PhD (although largely due to stock appreciation). One bad side is wlb seems quite bad across RSs I spoke with in different orgs at meta.

EchoLogyx ⏳left Aug 12, 2023

Did you have A* publications prior to joining Meta?

Investment Management Firm arsovl OP Aug 12, 2023

does it depend on which lab you are at? I think FAIR pays the most, but there are non-ML research teams at Meta