
Meta Tech Screen & Coding in 2023

Coding round format (45 min): - 5/35/5 - 5 minutes intros, 35 minutes coding to solve 2 LC problems, 5 minutes questions Coding portion (35 min): - Problem by interviewer - Solution suggestion: data structure, algorithm, time/space complexity - "Ready to write code" - Write code - Think out loud as you write code βœ… - Trade-off's βœ… - Edge cases βœ… - Verification: hotspots in code - Can you improve time/space? - Find, implement optimization βœ… - New time/space. Explain why - Verification: Test case and Walk through example input Time/LC: ~15 min LC/round: 2 Red flags: - Receiving hints 🚩 - Handholding 🚩 - Interviewer repeats themselves 🚩 - Bugs 🚩 ----------------- Coding round tips: - "VERIFICATION" is a very specific term, and that's what it is specifically called. There are 3 types: test cases, hotspots in code, walk-through with example input/output - "Trade-off's" and "Edge cases" are both really important - πŸ“ REAL LIFE STICKY NOTES πŸ“. I know this sounds dumb. It's not. You need an obvious and not subtle reminder of the steps. I'd write this down using a sharpie and clearly visible: - Trade-off's - Edge cases - VERIFICATION: hotspots, test case, walk-thru - Interruptions. Depending on whether the interviewer likes you, he or she may interrupt often. Don't take it personally, it's just a test. However, be very mindful of time. Make sure to mention "I would like to do a Trade-off analysis", "These are the edge cases", "This is a hotspot in the code". And "I can also walk-through the code". You need to absolutely say this, do not expect to be prompted (s/he may or may not). If you DON'T cover these areas, you will be marked down for not providing signal. ----------------- System Design, Product Architecture: Design Facebook Newsfeed. Design Facebook Messenger. Design Instagram. Design WhatsApp. Design Live Commenting. Design Typeahead Suggestions. Design Google Docs. Design a distributed Botnet. Design Resource Downloader Library. Design a video-sharing platform.

Tableau macdows Oct 8, 2023

Thanks, nice list!

Google b0re Oct 8, 2023

Green flag is when they finish coding question in 5 min since they memorized the answer

1289312873 OP Oct 8, 2023

So now candidates are being punished by actually preparing for the coding rounds? Nice.

Google b0re Oct 8, 2023

In my experience with 3 meta interviews yes

Microsoft burntout3 Oct 8, 2023

What is a hotspot in the coding round?

1289312873 OP Oct 8, 2023

Areas of the code likely to encounter bottlenecks

Microsoft burntout3 Oct 8, 2023

Well that needs to be optimized on the get go to be a hire. The 10 min coding time doesn't let any iterative optimizations huh?

ByteDance doneVdDis Oct 8, 2023

Good one

Microsoft timtimtin Oct 8, 2023

Done VO E5/E6 loop last week. None of my coding questions were from LC, but all mediums. System design not from this list but nothing unusual.

ByteDance doneVdDis Oct 8, 2023

Can I dm you regarding your meta interview experience

Microsoft timtimtin Oct 9, 2023

Yes, but do not expect to reveal questions.

Oracle cby1990 Oct 9, 2023

Meta coding is almost trivial. The harder part is SD for those don't deal with on daily basis

Microsoft coderlc Jan 4

Almost trivial?

Google LeeJaeDong Oct 9, 2023

Are you an interviewer at Meta? You write as if you’ve seen the feedback form.

1289312873 OP Oct 9, 2023

hahaha your mom. metacareers portal has all of this. they literally follow cracking coding interview to a T!!!

Course Hero Iadr Oct 9, 2023

How does one design a live commenting system?