Tech IndustryOct 27, 2022

Meta is trying to build netflix in this era : Same with google stadia. I do think, if meta continue its efforts and hire some good Product owners they might get success and if they do, it will be huge success, since everything in their metaverse is in house built. However, google dropped plan of stadia, but honestly i think they should have reduced team size but could have contine to do research in mean time once tech or internet reach that level. Nonetheless, one thing is sure, there will be startups that will try to regenerate these ideas and will become google like prestige in future, same like how google destroyed yahoo search engine over the years. Remember, everyone laughed at elon or spacex when it comes to landing those rockets. (Some are still lauging at elon but thats a complete different story)

1994: Are YOU Ready for the INTERNET? | Tomorrow’s World | Retro Tech | BBC Archive
1994: Are YOU Ready for the INTERNET? | Tomorrow’s World | Retro Tech | BBC Archive
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Gartner Cavalry OP Oct 27, 2022
