SpotifyDibu Mart.

Confused. Should I keep looking?

Pros: - WLB 20-25 hours a week - Remote (in Mcol now) - Promo to staff soon (may not fall through) Cons: - Layoffs and long term outlook - 🥜 TC - Less growth even with a promo Intuit: Is hyrbid, California Unaware of Intuit's outlook TC now: 240k; Base: 180, Stocks: 60 Should I keep looking?

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Senior Software Developer
TC: $280K
Meta RoLKM Feb 27

40k difference after tax means little, remote 20-25 hours per week is dream job, staff is also less replaceable than senior. Stay.

Spotify Dibu Mart. OP Feb 27

This would be my first ever offer received above 250k. It's sad to make this a pass.

Amazon gowith786 Feb 27

Your current TC is a better deal. Trust us!

Amazon n0m0b@n@na Feb 27

Stay especially if you have to move to California

Spotify Dibu Mart. OP Feb 27


PayPal satired Feb 27

Keep looking

Mailchimp aybsc Feb 27

If you’re gonna get promo then there’s no point in leaving especially to a different state given you are remote

Spotify Dibu Mart. OP Feb 27

Hey, could you expand a bit about pros, cons of Intuit! I know MailChimp is a different wing but would be great if you can give some detail. Thanks

Mailchimp aybsc Feb 27

Pros: - Your comp is not fixed like Spotify. You get refreshers every year. So, stock amount will be higher for each year for next 4 years the stabilizes. - Lot of holidays, company wide recharge days. - one of the Best 401k match in the industry. It’s 125% contribution by the employer on your base pay up to 6%. So, with a base of 200k you are looking at extra 15k in 401k as a match if you put in 12k. - Internet & phone bills are reimbursed, wellness benefit $1300 every year is extra - WLB is fine - No layoffs in sight, company is performing well. Cons: - Intuit hasn’t marketed itself well in tech community so less clout than Spotify

Intuit hdhdhsyen Feb 27

Stay at Spotify. Intuit has a mandatory 7% silent layoff quota. They enforce these as performance based firings which means zero severance. Company culture has taken a nosedive since this policy took effect.

Woven by Toyota Code.Leet Feb 27

Make 0 sense to switch, unsure why you even need to contemplate

Amazon Yaylol Feb 27


Uber pXtL05 Feb 27

If you can get to staff and start looking you can easily aim for 600k+. Ofcourse you need to prep.

Intuit fcuktuit Feb 27

Run away from Intuit

Spotify Dibu Mart. OP Feb 28

Why? Did you mean for this TC or in general?

Intuit IntuitFML Feb 28

In general. The culture, instability and even benefits that Intuit provides pales in comparison to Spotify. I have friends there and I can attest to that

SpaceX dnRr77 Feb 28

Leave and refer me to your current team so I can fill the spot 😀 you have a great role for CoastFIRE

Spotify Dibu Mart. OP Feb 29
