Microsoft Azure AI Networking team

How is azure networking SDN team? How’s it regarding learning opportunities? Are the skills transferable? Do you spend more time maintaining a mature service or building new components? How decent is it for engineers on their early software engineering careers?#engineering #software

Microsoft dkst13 May 31, 2023

What is the AI Networking Team? SDN has nothing to do with AI AFAIK. And if you really mean Azure SDN, it is absolute shitshow ran by an incompetent jackass. You'll have no wlb, horrific workloads and the pleasure of getting stabbed in the back by some of the worst coworkers imaginable. Azure SDN is possibly the worst place to work in the entire company.

Amazon LwPn60 OP May 31, 2023

Is the workload worth it, in terms of gaining new skills? I am more interested about the learnings acquired by joining the team, such as implementing algorithms from newly published research papers