Microsoft interviewing with 2 team using 2 different email ID

I have been reached out by a Microsoft recruiter for a positions and I am already in contact with another manager. So is it possible if I use alternative email ID to interview for the new position? Or they will find out about it? Also do you guys suggest that. I think Microsoft doesn't have an cool down period so this should work. Current positions is for Senior software engineer which I feel would be tough. While the new positions is SWE 2. I have 4 years of experience as a Software developer. Any suggestion is appreciated. Current TC: 🥜 #tech #microsoft #microsoftcareers

Microsoft helpmie Apr 19

Swe3 is senior

Microsoft mallard🦆 Apr 19

Probably meant IC3

Fidelity Investments Anony1508 OP Apr 19

Sorry SWE 2 position not Swe 3 One is Swe 2 and other one is a senior network engineer role. Requires 5+ years of experience. Any idea how difficult would be compared to Swe 2 positions.

Google lolnoway12 Apr 19

Why diff ids? They let you interview with different teams just tell the recruiter. If anything they can share results and combine the interviews. Did the same thing with Apple so should be similar in MS

Fidelity Investments Anony1508 OP Apr 19

I don't think it is similar for Microsoft. Hopefully any Microsoft person can clarify.

Microsoft hellllloo Apr 19


Fidelity Investments Anony1508 OP Apr 20

Okay. Sure.