Tech IndustryJul 11, 2018

Microsoft joining date ?

Hi, I am thinking to join August mid, but just realized if I stay in my current company till December I will get around 20k. Is it worth waiting ? I am worried about the review cycle, espp at Microsoft. Afraid if I will miss those if I wait till December. What are advantages and disadvantages of waiting till December. I will be joining at level 62 TC: 190 K yoe: 4 Thanks for the help.

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Microsoft BurnMeUp Jul 11, 2018

Mid review is at March, I wouldn't worry about it and just collect the 20k

Cisco Thorgtfo OP Jul 11, 2018

But to be eligible for mid review when should we start ? Also how about espp ?

Microsoft BurnMeUp Jul 11, 2018

You're not expected to get promoted 3 months after starting unless you got hired underleveled. Espp starts a month after you start, doesn't really matter when. Edit: but I guess getting promoted in like 8 months is possible, just hard. Your call I guess

Microsoft Absk Jul 11, 2018

Try talk with your recruiter see if they can match you

Cisco Thorgtfo OP Jul 11, 2018

I have already signed the offer letter. Do you think it’s ethical to ask now ? I don’t want to have a bad opinion before I start. Also do you know if engineers do that ?

Amazon Ulub72 Jul 11, 2018

If you already signed there is a start date. Are you sure they will wait that long? Fullo Jul 11, 2018

Just leave and be happy..

Redfin mGhe17 Jul 11, 2018

I would weigh that against what you would get at msft for your performance comp. At 62, your target bonus for the fiscal year is 15% of your salary. As a new hire, that’s your likely bonus. It’s rare they would give you more. They would only give you less if it’s a high performing team or if you did poorly. Do the math and see how much you would lose if you started in Dec vs Aug. The review dates are tied to the fiscal year, so it starts July 1 and goes to June 30th.

Microsoft BurnMeUp Jul 11, 2018

10%, not 15. Your 20k is most likely going to be higher than the annual cash bonus, unless you perform really well. The slight difference in prorated bonus/stock awards should be lower if you don't wait until December assuming that you won't hit high/near perfect performance.

Microsoft sqlguy Jul 11, 2018

If you join after April you may miss the MS bonus for the first year. Check on that but it may just even out.

Cisco Thorgtfo OP Jul 11, 2018

So if I join in August I won’t get the bonus for first year ?

Microsoft sqlguy Jul 11, 2018

August should be fine as bonuses come out in September. I just wouldn’t join march - July. Now that I think about it, you delaying till August could be good for you on both fronts

AT&T Orzzz Jul 11, 2018

How long is the whole process taking for you? From accepting the offer to your h1b filed? I'm assuming they are using premium processing?

Intuit Bjtxfhts Jul 14, 2018

Can u provide the breakdown of ur tc? And ur current in cisco? Are u joining them at an equivalent level?