Microsoft org changes

Heard some news today that msft leadership is thinking of cutting a bunch of engineering manager roles and possibly eliminating PM and PgM job category. Changes to roll out soon. Anyone else heard something like this?

Microsoft zhAe04 Apr 9

A lot of pms are useless

Microsoft rajkuma OP Apr 9

Agreed. I would welcome this

Snap senup8 Apr 9

As are a lot of EMs

Microsoft spoiledev Apr 9

I know everyone makes fun of pm all the time but they do work as well.

Basis Technologies 陳小明 Apr 9

They define product guideline so you won’t create Windows 2 by accident when adding features on kernel

Zillow Group PlaceValue Apr 9

I think we have to differentiate between Product Manager and Project Manager. Product manager is important role in a user facing team that defines how a product is going to work. Engineers can't be expected to come up wit features and specs, and eve if they do, they are mostly going to be terrible. However, on infra teams PMs role might not be very necessary. A good EM should be able to do this Project Managers on the other hand, just keep teams aligned on schedule and draft those emails for senior management. A dedicated EM could also do this

Niantic Gzvr3q Apr 9

Thought there were a lot of PMs at Microsoft. Wouldn’t that be a massive impact?

Basis Technologies 陳小明 Apr 9

No, because most PMs are H1Bs

Amazon neobeehh Apr 9

What? I thought PM needs experience

ex-Dell : Apr 9

Great news

Microsoft oWsa07 Apr 9

Haven't heard anything about this

Microsoft rajkuma OP Apr 9

Your level? If your 65 or below then you're a low level worker who wouldn't know

Microsoft OONCHFNKY Apr 9

“Heard some news…”. Sounds legit /s. How about providing some evidence or your source to legitimize what I think is a troll post.

Sabre KTXi55 Apr 11

Any chances this is true? Impact would be significant