Tech IndustryNov 10, 2020

Microsoft vs Goldman Sachs (Internship)

I have offers from microsoft for software engineering intern and goldman sachs summer analyst. Which should I join and why? I interned at a startup past summer and have no experience in big N or finance. This is my junior year internship so hoping that it converts to full time.

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Amazon rMmc47 Nov 10, 2020

Do you want to be a software engineer or an analyst?

mithai OP Nov 10, 2020

Well idk, its a quant strat analyst. I don’t know much about quant firms but from what I have heard they have higher pay and more interesting (mathematical) work. Even in the internship goldmann is paying slightly more.

Amazon zb182 Nov 10, 2020

Is this SWE, or IB or Quant summer analyst? SWE at Goldman is comparable to IBM, Expedia.

mithai OP Nov 10, 2020

Quant summer analyst

Goldman Sachs bsbxbx Nov 10, 2020

Hey how would u compare see in Goldman vs sw in paypal. Which is more prestigious for a full time

Goldman Sachs k8sm Nov 10, 2020

Depends on what you want for your career tbh. Quant and SDE are very different paths. And being in the wrong one can make you miserable

Goldman Sachs XsYG77 Nov 10, 2020


Goldman Sachs elon_mask Nov 11, 2020

Please RUN away from GS

Goldman Sachs bsbxbx Nov 19, 2020