Tech IndustryOct 24, 2019

Military Experience: Culture Fit Red Flag or Nah?

How do recruiters/interviewers in non-defense/gov't companies view military experience on a resume? In most industries it's viewed as an asset but since tech (especially the Bay scene) tends to be very left-leaning and culturally the polar opposite the military, does being a veteran stand out as a red flag as far as behavioral/culture fit? Would it be better to leave it off my resume for applications at those places? Even though I fucking hated it and ironically wasn't a good culture fit for the military?

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Salesforce Full-Send Oct 24, 2019

Instant classification of a conservative trump supporter. Not good.

Marqeta zibby-bean OP Oct 24, 2019

Yeah I ain't no MAGAchud. I joined for purely mercenary reasons (paying for college). The sheer amount of crypto-fascist wife-beating human garbage I had to deal with during my enlistment is one of the main reasons I GTFO'd.

Google lSjX80 Oct 24, 2019

This is not true.

Chase Narvo Oct 24, 2019

I never had a problem with military record being on my resume.

Amazon FPCf78 Oct 24, 2019

It only matters if the experience is relevant to the position. If not, don’t include it. I’ve seen candidate try to include random awards or classes they took. Honestly just doesn’t add any value to the resume

Marqeta zibby-bean OP Oct 24, 2019

This would be for new grad/entry level so I figure it's good to leave on just to show no gaps between HS and college and that I have held down a full-time job before.

Uber aUber Oct 24, 2019

Not going to be a problem. I have interviewed plenty of vets and for the most part, teams appreciate having folks with diverse life experience and an open mind.

Amazon memnon Oct 24, 2019

they have no idea what to make of it. it’s just people in different industries just like any other 2 people from any other unrelated industries wouldn’t know much about the other. leave it in the resume but avoid babbling about too many details. and don’t use jargon, find relevant skills to the job and describe them for a general audience

Box kindn3ss Oct 24, 2019

Negative big culture red flag. Lots of ‘yes-men’ mentality.

ffffuuuuun Oct 24, 2019

Depends on the company culture. It works well and is common in process driven corporations like AMZN or MSFT.

OpenTable Meliodas Oct 24, 2019

As a hiring manager in the Bay Area, I view it as a positive, particularly those with combat experience. They follow orders, aren’t afraid to raise issues early, and don’t freak under release schedule “pressure.”

OpenTable Meliodas Oct 24, 2019

I left out the blindly qualifier for a reason.

Amazon memnon Oct 24, 2019

Box poster obviously has no experience with this. Yes men don’t make a military. Dunno where he gets it from.