Health & WellnessDec 29, 2021

Mind Blowing

Reading about the hiring games the big tech companies reminds me of people being interviewed to plug into the Matrix and being consumed to power a monolithic evil intelligence. You shouldn't have to justify your existence, personality, etc. to a bunch of self-important soulless idiots and play their head games that in-turn lower your self-esteem. View the interview process as YOU interviewing THEM as well. If you don't fit into their view of reality, it will be a blessing that you didn't get the job. Being happy in life working at Starbucks vs. a 6-fig job where you are miserable is a much better deal. You only have one life. A better suggestion is go with a small company, start your own business, or freelance. #burnout #depression #mentalhealth #Facebook

PayPal mxm12 Dec 29, 2021

Sir, this is a Wendy's

JPMorgan Chase apexNoob Dec 29, 2021

To date, this is my favorite comment on Blind.

Microsoft suprax Dec 29, 2021

Anyone care to explain the joke ?

Stripe YcCQ20 Dec 29, 2021

Think you’re forgetting that the concept of supply and demand causes this scenario. Even outside of the job market, stuff like this happens. Want a particular type of Rolex? Be prepared to suck off the AD, since 1000 people want the watch but there’s only 10 available. It is what it is.

Liberty Mutual Insurance aOqj58 Dec 29, 2021

If you are blowing people for a watch you got bigger problems

Stripe YcCQ20 Dec 29, 2021

😂 I was speaking out loud again

Intel XRxA04 Dec 29, 2021

I would rather be miserable making 600k than miserable and poor. Also TC or GTFO. Or else the rant sounds like a case of sour grapes.

Google post-irony Dec 29, 2021

“Being happy in life working at Starbucks vs. a 6-fig job where you are miserable is a much better deal.” Only rich people in the US say this shit. If you’ve ever talked with someone who’s 40+ and works at Starbucks because they have no other skills you’d know their lives are pretty brutally hard and that they’re mostly just one bit of bad luck away from financial ruin.

JPMorgan Chase apexNoob Dec 29, 2021

This. I don’t get upset with them because they just see life through a filter. They’ve never been on the other side of the fence so it’s difficult for them to conceptualize how it feels.

Cerner JNNY47 Dec 29, 2021

Maybe in very high COL places. In most of the USA there's plenty of people who spend decades at working to lower-middle class jobs and live decent lives. Majority of people don't live alone. A couple where both making 30k, pay $800 rent, can easily save $2000/month and build solid savings if they're not stupid or really unlucky. Most techies have no concept of what it's like in most of the US, and equate working class with the few commuting 2 hours in the Bay Area or the homeless in SF. Completely out of touch.

Uber tolo oop Dec 29, 2021

Hey boomer

Apple dnsb253wvs Dec 29, 2021

Isn’t this the opposite of what a boomer would say? This is about as entitled of a post as possible. A boomer would say to suck it up and get a job.

Amazon yvko Dec 29, 2021

You're asked to solve Leetcode questions, not to dance for them. You think Starbucks doesn't ask behavioral questions?

Amazon ekbv88 Dec 29, 2021

Do you want the money or not? This is the same tired refrain.

State Farm emu7325qes Dec 29, 2021

I honestly feel that smaller companies actually have higher hiring bars 😂 at least in big techs you know what to expect.

PBCSD OldBoomer OP Dec 29, 2021

I never put people through the b.s. that these big companies do. They want to hire by committee so if the hire does not workout, there is no one person to "blame". When I hired, I just looked at the skills and the work ethic. A good manager should be able to work with any personality type. A good tech person is often introverted and quirky. Part of the charm.

State Farm emu7325qes Dec 29, 2021

That's good to hear. But I've interviewed with a bunch of smaller companies and I have to say there's no hiring standard. Felt that they're looking for a match with the existing team culture, which may be a hit or miss. I might be unlucky though.

PBCSD OldBoomer OP Dec 29, 2021

Meant no offense to you sensitive people and maybe Starbucks was extreme, but my point being that I have held "C" level jobs with all of the perks associated and made a lot....and those were the most miserable years of my life. Working for the big megacompanies who jerk you around like they do is ridiculous. You guys made me feel like a condescending jerk which I did not mean to do. Best intentions. Sorry Google and JP. After I cashed my options, I left and started my own tech company. 30 people and was never happier. I sold it to a big tech. I guess my point was, it is more important to be happy and fulfilled while making a living vs. not. Just trying to convey some knowledge learned to people trying to stay sane and keep their mental health. To the 40+ group here, 40's is a rough time in life for anyone. That is when marriages break up, body shapes change, health issues arise. etc. It does get better after you get through it. That's when I left and did my startup. In the times we are in now, it is the best time to do this. This "boomer" will probably do it again. "Assume No Bad Intentions" All the best

Oracle shvonderb Dec 29, 2021

I'm close to 40 and been contemplating leaving the big tech and start something of my own, but it's scary to loose all the perks and stability. Do you mind if I dm you?

Vodafone wTlv22 Dec 29, 2021

I’m pretty much aligned with OP although I’m not a boomer lol Interviews are two way-street, you have to interview them as much as they interview you. Once you understand what’s really going on behind the curtains, you won’t be impressed anymore ...