Does Humana accepts day-1 CPT?

Hi, can anyone from Humana confirm if they accept day-1 CPT candidates? #healthcare #health #dayonecpt

Humana Human010 Apr 18

What is CPT?

Investment Bank maverick05 OP Apr 18

Curricular practical training. It’s in the context of international students in the United States. It refers to a provision that allows certain students to have work authorization immediately upon beginning their academic program (hence the term ‘Day 1’) rather than waiting a year as typically required. Some companies accept such candidates. Wanted to check if Humana does too.

Humana codeyoda Apr 21

Even I want to know

Humana ranchar Apr 21

Day 1 CPT is fraud

Humana hifer Apr 24

Yes Humana accepts CPT. You can even expense up to $5000 as a part of educational incentive per year.

Investment Bank maverick05 OP Apr 24

Thank you for the response and confirming.