
Putin Tried to Copy Bush in His War

So much of Putin’s terminology and rhetoric regarding his war in Ukraine is based off of Bush’s rhetoric when invading Iraq: Special Military Operation v Operation Iraqi Freedom De-Nazification v De-Baathification Protecting ethnic Russians v Protecting the Shia and Kurds Biological weapons labs v WMD Eminent Ukrainian invasion of Donbas v Clear and Present Danger of Iraqi Aggression Preemptive war v Bush Doctrine (preemption) Ukraine has been shelling Donbas for Eight Years v Saddam gassed the Shia and the Kurds

Google junghu Apr 3

Your analysis is off. Bush didn't invade Iraq to protect shia and Kurds.

Meta overtaxed! OP Apr 3

I’m taking about the rhetoric. If you forgot what Bush said back around 2002 then look up articles from that time.

Meta Ic78 Apr 3

You know George Bush senior came this close to being cooked and eaten by the Japanese military.

Google dsgrtld Apr 3

Nah but he is exactly copying Hitler and the Sudetten playbook or Stalin with the Baltics. Not to say that Bush is not a war criminal, he was too.

Cisco BqcC87 Apr 3

MSpecial Military Operation vs. Operation Iraqi Freedom: You're comparing operational titles like they're more than just branding. Bush aimed to topple a regime under the guise of spreading democracy. Putin, however, is invoking historical claims and protection of ethnic Russians. The contexts are not directly comparable.De-Nazification vs. De-Baathification: This one's a stretch. De-Baathification aimed to remove Ba'ath Party influence from Iraqi governance, which had clear targets. De-Nazification in Ukraine is used more ambiguously, often as a pretext for aggression against a democratic government.Protecting ethnic Russians vs. Protecting the Shia and Kurds: The protection narrative is common in conflicts but applied differently. The U.S. intervention in Iraq had an element of protecting minority groups post-invasion, while Russia's claim seems more a pretext for annexation and interference in sovereignty.Biological weapons labs vs. WMD: The WMD argument led to a long and fruitless search in Iraq, undermining US credibility. Russia's biological labs claim lacks evidence and seems to serve as a scare tactic rather than a justified cause for invasion.Eminent Ukrainian invasion of Donbas vs. Clear and Present Danger of Iraqi Aggression: The supposed imminent threat from Ukraine to Donbas lacks the international consensus that Iraq's potential aggression did, even if that consensus was later deemed misguided.Preemptive war vs. Bush Doctrine (preemption): Preemption implies an immediate threat. The Bush Doctrine stretched this concept in Iraq, arguably without just cause. Russia's use of preemption in Ukraine is even more tenuous, lacking clear and present danger.Ukraine has been shelling Donbas for Eight Years vs. Saddam gassed the Shia and the Kurd: The situation in Donbas is part of a complex, ongoing conflict with roots in both recent and Soviet history. Comparing it to Saddam's historical atrocities oversimplifies and ignores the nuances of each conflict.Each point you've raised demands consideration of the specific historical, geopolitical, and ethical contexts of these conflicts. Oversimplifying these into parallel narratives doesn't just ignore the complexities; it risks misunderstanding the very nature of international conflict and intervention.

Google dsgrtld Apr 3

Gonna need a tl;dr and a TC before I read this tho

BAE Systems Surely 💃🏻 Apr 3

OP is not wrong

NVIDIA VoteDem🗽 Apr 3

US didn't annex any territory.