PoliticsApr 16, 2019

Moar illegals but not on our turf. How Democrat of them 👏🍿🍺

The same way they want your money in more taxes before donating theirs. It's all about screwing others ... When everything is turned into a shithole, it's much harder to understand paradise. https://nypost.com/2019/04/15/de-blasio-calls-trumps-sanctuary-city-plan-illegal-vows-to-fight-it-in-court/

De Blasio calls Trump's sanctuary city plan 'illegal,' vows to fight it in court
De Blasio calls Trump's sanctuary city plan 'illegal,' vows to fight it in court
New York Post
Apple 🌱evergreen Apr 16, 2019

If you don’t see the issue with gov’t taking revenge on political critics, then you’re missing the point.

Microsoft kfkwurtjde OP Apr 16, 2019

States and cities who have changed their laws to accommodate illegals are mere critics?! Another set of victims, right? 😂

IBM 👁🐝Ⓜ️ Apr 16, 2019

It’s amazing how the left cannot see their own hypocrisy. Don’t worry snowflake, no revenge actually happened. It was an idea that was floated around by the administration before it was killed. They fact that leftist are reacting to it by claiming that their cities don’t have the infrastructure to take on all the illegal immigrants and that we should focus on helping out our own citizens first is hilariously ironic.

Microsoft nazihunter Apr 16, 2019

Good move! Open the border and more illegal immigrants are needed to help sanctuary cities' urban farming!

OpenTable Meliodas Apr 16, 2019

Republicans support catch and release after all.

IBM 👁🐝Ⓜ️ Apr 16, 2019

As long is they are released into cities that voted for representatives that are for catch and release. It’s called dealing the with ramifications of you own actions/policies. Why should the people of small border towns suffer when they voted overwhelmingly for tighter border security?

Apple Spraynard Apr 16, 2019

First of all, I’m from a border state and currently live in a different border state. NM & CA. Neither of those two states have voted for stricter border security. And it’s about even in AZ and Texas on stricter border security. It’s demigods like trump and people like you who spew false rhetoric about views of illegal aliens by the border states that should take the cue from us for a smarter border enforcement system as a whole. Work IDs, punishment for large companies (like Tyson etc) that constantly abuse the current system. All the way up to your demigod Trump who employees them at his golf courses. If the entered illegally for work, make them pay a fine (multiple thousands, not some fine in name only) for asylum seekers we need more judges to look at their cases. Right now there are over 850k backlogged cases yet trump wants to cut them even more?! Let’s face it, King Trump has no plan and blowhards like you are just rewarding his petulant behavior.

Google jfjfk Apr 16, 2019

This is like the first clever thing Trump has done all presidency.

Google dh8aON Apr 16, 2019

The GOP playbook is best summarized as a monkey paw flipping the bird 😂 - Want to harbor illegals aliens? Have them all! - Want eco legislation without obstruction or being watered down? We'll vote on the Green New Deal straight from AOC's desk right now! - Don't like military adventures? We'll GTFO of Afghanistan right now! - Don't like being world police? We'll back down on overseas military commitments! - Globalization bad? We'll jack up tariffs! - Want to tax the 1%? We'll get rid of deductions that only the high TC workers benefit from! - Want to hurt Russia's bottom line? We'll buddy up with the Saudis and flood the oil market! - Want someone you can steamroll in the general election? We'll run Trump! This is truly the twilight zone timeline.

yyPg74 Apr 16, 2019

Can I say I kind of like this idea?