Tech IndustryJan 29, 2022

Mobile app tech stack

What mobile tech stack and architecture to use for app development if you are building from scratch in 2022? Need for both ios and Android. Open for all choices including native ones or hybrid or others . Best way to build only front end on mobile and rest on services in AWS ? Plan to deploy blackened on AWS. Amplify looks pretty nice. Appreciate help. TC: 1+ M Yoe: 15

Apple take-it Jan 29, 2022

Let’s talk about your TC first

Twitter FleetFlot Jan 29, 2022


Apple take-it Jan 29, 2022

React Native, there is no alternative

BDBa68 Jan 30, 2022

Reactive Native is a dumpster fire. Terrible upgrade process and unreliable third party APIs for everything. All for a third rate user experience. Native is best.

Uber NYzj13 Jan 29, 2022

What's your primary tech stack and domain op?

Airbnb HawaNashta OP Jan 29, 2022

Clean slate. Working to build a product from scratch for my startup . Thought of crowd source some options.

Uber NYzj13 Jan 29, 2022

I see, I actually meant what is your domain ( mobile, frontend, backend, etc) and tech stack in your day job for the last 15ish years.

Airtable sqjv70 Jan 29, 2022

I’ve developed with react native for the last 2 years, and the bigger my app grows, the more I find myself writing native modules in obj c / swift / kotlin as well as platform specific navigation. Go native if you need performance or native features, like Bluetooth, extensive camera work, or GPS. Otherwise react native is fine for basic apps, but you should expect to move to native later down the road for long term projects. Please don’t use amplify. Too much under the hood, not enough room to customize. It’s fine for small projects and I use some parts of their library for auth, but I’ve already tried their full stack offering twice (once in a professional setting) and it’s a nightmare if you want to configure your own settings or tweak it from the defaults. Ended up hating it for their bugs and lack of customizability, and we switched away after a few months to serverless templates, then to terraform. I’ve had a great experience with AWS + terraform, and I plan on sticking with this for my infrastructure now.

Airbnb HawaNashta OP Jan 29, 2022

Thanks for sharing . Did you use amplify for hosting or for development? Can you give an example of customization challenge you had with amplify?

Airtable sqjv70 Jan 29, 2022

1. We tried AWS appsync + dynamodb. Appsync graphql was way too closely tied to the storage data model itself. Writing VTL templates is definitely not something a programmer should spend a lot of their time doing, and esp if you need business logic between your api endpoint and your storage service. 2. Can’t configure a lot of settings in CloudFront. It automatically provisions it for you and you can’t access it and attach your own routes. If you need to do this, you end up maintaining 2 infra stacks. 3. There were a lot of issues with configuring cross resource environment variables. I’m able to use AWS SSM parameters to store global vars for things, I don’t recall being able to do this with amplify. 4. Amplify had a lot of weird bugs on the client side. S3 file upload would intermittently break on 10mb + file uploads on iOS because the blobs would get garbage collected in their js to native library code. 5. Amplify would take forever to deploy because of the way it translated resources to cloudformation, sometimes it redeployed resources that didn’t need changes. All that being said, I think it’s fine for hackathons and PoCs. I wouldn’t use it for a production level application though.

AskUrMom😉 Jan 29, 2022


Airbnb HawaNashta OP Jan 29, 2022

Why flutter is better than react native or native apps ?